Hey guys!!!
This is my grandmothers engagment ring. She passed it to my mother, and then my mother passed it on to me. It is probably the most special single thing I own. I really look forward to the day that I can pass it on to my daughter. It cost my grandfather a whole 12 months wages...or so the story goes. It is set in platium with a round diamond in a square setting. I remember admiring it when my grandmother wore it...and she only would on special ocassions. She passed it to my mum not long before she died, hence I thought I would get it until my mum was really old.
When Kelly and I decided to get married, we did have ANY money. Unbeknownst to me, my mother offered Kelly my granmothers ring. Then one Sunday he told me we were going to redcliffe for a picnic. I had no idea what was going on, other than lunch in a park. I was reading a book, while Kelly was playing footy with the boys when the three of them came up to me. Kelly lay down on his belly (I was laying on a picnic rug) and proposed, openning the little box to revel my grnadmothers ring. (I found out later that he asked the boys permission to marry thier mother just before they came up to me) I cried and cried, the boys didn't know what all the fuss was about...typical boys...but they were excited for us.
When Kelly is being an a-hole I try to remember little things like this.
There is so much emotion and memories caught up in this little ring. I often look at it and think of the things it would have seen...the depression and all my aunts and uncles growing up. So thats why I choose it
Thanks for reading
Keep smiling
Cass xxxx
Oh Cass what a sensational story!! What a gorgeous moment in your life to have your Grandma's ring presented to you on such a special occassion! The sentiment and emotion in that moment will outlive all others....
Warm Hugs
That is a lovely story Cass, brought a tear to my eye....
I had a look through your layouts and I just loved EVERY one of them, they are all gorgeous.
THEN you had to go and spoil everything.......
Lovely story about the ring... sad story with your burns... great layouts...
THEN....."I love to eat grated cheese soaked in soy sauce and vinegar"......OHHHHHH GROSS!!!!! ROTFLMHO,
Just popped in to say Hi and catch up.
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