So let me explain first. I have been a SAHM for as long as I can remeber, in fact my ENTIRE adult life!!!. I had my first aby when i was 19 (I now know why my Mum was so upset...I really was just a baby myself) and although I have had the odd little job from time to time, I really haven't 'worked'. Well I know it is only the first week and I am sure the novelity will wear off, but I have got to say, I LOVE it. I love the fact that I have somewhere to go in the morning, a reason to get dress and put on make-up. It probably seems a bit trivial, but honestly I ussally don't wear make-up unless I was going out at you can imagine how often that happened!!! I am only going into the shop 3 days a week, but I am so enjoying it, even my time at home seems better. I feel a little calmer and more relaxed with the kids, and really I am spending just as much time with them as I ever did, but now instead of cleaning the house and bumming around when they are at school and kindy...I go to the shop!!!
Am I the only one who feel like this??? shouldn't I feel more run down and tired??? instead of energised and HUMAN?????
The best part is I get to scrap at work!! thats just the icing on the cake really.

I know you wont be able to read the journalling on Lilys page, so here it is
'So this is how it happened. One afternoon Lily was having an inpromtu photo shoot in the backyard, while Daddy was kicking the ball around with Ronin. All was going well until a stray ball hit the posing princess in the back of the head. Mummy, busily taking photos, captured the exact moment of contact'
Thanks for looking, and I do so hope everyone has a FANTASTIC Easter :):):)
keep smiling, Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
THOSE HUGE ARROWS!!! I want I want... you have such photogenic kids Cass, pity mine are at the age of "your'e NOT taking any photo's of me"
I have to do with my
Happy Easter my friend to you and your family.
OMGoodness.. that poser to put out lo is classic.. you know that i think your work rocks chicki.. love love love what you have been up to!
and yes, i agree with Janet, those arrows are a total MUST! i want too! ~L~
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