I did this LO in the shop yesterday. These are my 'bookends' as I call them. My elest and my youngest. There is almost 11 years bettween the two of them and I know that sometimes I rely on Krissy to help me alot with Ronin, who BTW is and incedible handful!!! Funny how they are both so blonde.
Anyhoo heres my funny story...and you gotta promise to not think badly of me, afterall i was really only defending myself!!!!!LOL
Last night I had to take Kris to footy training. On the weekend one of the mothers in our team asked if I could bring and album along for her to have a look at. Not a problem, like most of us I love showing off my work. Anyway she was looking through it ans I was standing about 3m away talking to one of the other mums when I couldn't help but over hear the following conversation....
A lady (one of the mums from another team) leaned over to the lady that was looking through my book and asked if that was hers. Ofcourse she said no, she was just admiring it. The other mum, then promptly turned to her and said...and I quote 'I hate that stuff, it's not scrapbooking'
My ears pricked up...as you can imagine and I wandered over. I asked the lady who was looking at my book intially if she liked and she gushed over how clever it was. The other nosey woman than asked me if it was my book. 'yes' I said. 'Oh I really don't like that style, as far as I am concerned, it's not scrapbooking' she replyed
A liitle trown by this I had to ask 'Do you do creative memories?'. 'Yes' she said to me 'I scrapbook' in an incredibly superior voice.
Now I am not one to back down from an arguement and to be honest with you i was more than a bit offended. I would never go so far as to presume that just because a person does another style of scrapping, that they couldn't be considered a scrapbooker. And that is pretty much what I told her.
'But, you just make pretty pictures' she said 'you don't preserve memories, there 's not one single page on a birthday or an event in that whole album'
'No' I said 'But there are plenty of pages that let my children know exactly how much I love them, how proud I am of thier achievements, and what's going on right now!!'
'Well, it is still not scrapbooking...it's more like paper collage...artwork' she continued
At which point I was getting angry, I was being so poilet and this woman had her head so far up her bum that I am sure she couldn't tell the difference bettween a fart and a burp!!!
'Well, how many magazines are there out there on 'creative memories' LO's???' I said
At this point the lady who asked to see the album originally, piped in (I think she was feel a bit of mixture bettween amused and uncomfortable)
'Cassandra is actually quite well published in scrapbooking magazines' she said
(God bless her...I am not that well published, but it was so nice of her to say so..and to defend me)
I really don't think the snotty lady had much to say at this point because her closing argument was 'well in my opinion it's not scrapbooking'
I told her that she was intitled to her opinion and left it at that
I can honestly say that I was more than a bit shocked by all this, and she actually made me really angry (to be honest with you I really wanted to give her an event that she could scrap...you know, like a black eye!!!!LOL)
I would NEVER say that what someone does is not scrapbooking...just because it is different to what I do.
Anyway, in hindsight, i guess it must have looked pretty funny. These two women having a nasty argument over the defination of an art form.
But I defended us girls!!! What I do IS scrapping and to be honest with you, I assume it takes a lot more time and imagination than following a formula and cutting photos into funny shapes (I wouldn't know for sure, because I have never done it)
So there you have it...Don't tell me I don't scrapbook!!!!!!!!
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxxx
(Oh yeah I have been tagged to...twice, so I will be on to that this afternoon)
Ha ha ha ha!!!!! ROTFPMSL!!!! Honestly that lady must have had big steel ones to take on the 6ft tall amazon woman with bright pink hair!!!!! Good on you babe for telling her what's what!!!
I've heard a few CM stories like that before. Yay for you for standing up for us fellow scrappers.
What a funny story. That was so disrespectful of the CM chick - At the very least she needs a lesson in basic decency and manners. If she felt that she did not like it for what ever reason she would have been better off saying nothing at all. For what its worth I think your scrapbooking is amazing. I have studied art and I love your composition and design qualities. I would dare say she is a CM seller and was just a little disappointed she did not get in first. Being fair too not all CM scrappers are like this. I think you just came across a rotten egg! I know a few people who have started off CM but have progressed over the years to a more liberated type of scrapping. I have heard some stories about CM reps scaring people into not using anything other than CM scrapping supplies. Good on you for standing up for us free style scrapbookers. Don't take to heart what she said because at the end of the day all that matters is that your family loves your work and you are showing them how much you love them with the LO's you create. Thanks for the interesting read :D
I think I can vouch for a lot of us who 'discovered' scrapping thru CM. I did; and I remember being told there were no other scrap supplies other than CM. Glad I discovered otherwise. How many ways can you lay a triangle and cute little stickers before running out of corners??
I just wished I had been there! I woulda been in the background, throwing air punches and egging you on! Yeah, you go girl! You tell 'em love!!
pffft, it is ART. ART I say!! Not a geometry lesson given by CM Nazis!
Whoop Whoop!
Hi Cass. I followed you over from Lu's Blog. What a story! Good on your for standing up not only for yourself, but for a whole community of scrappers. AS you say, just because it's a different style, doesn't mean it's not scrapbooking. In my opinion you actaully held your tongue a lot better than I would have. Well done.
Kirst xx
Very good you go girl, I no we all scrap our own styles and thats what makes it unique. Us paper collages do not have all the same pages, over and over again unlike CM. But i have a friend who does CM and we scrap quite happily to gether and when we catch up i can not wait to check her stuff out.....and i have rang the neighbouring town about workshops there and they only do CM workshops. If they only new what they were missing.
you go girl... i had to have a good laugh about this... so funny... what would have been funnier is her "scrap inspiration"... i so would have socked her one!~L~
I just about wet myself, thought this was a great laugh. Good on you for sticking up for yourself, and the rest of us "non-scrappers". I would rather go free style and have a beautiful layout than have a couple of photo's cut into shapes.
OMG that is the BEST scrapping story I have heard!!! You almost had a "real scrap" with a "real" scrapper!! Obviously she simply had no manners and is giving all scrapbookers (real or otherwise LOL!) a bad name!!
Petrina :)
wow! what a scrapper snob. Don't worry about her, it is just her jealousy shing through.
This just doesn't get unfunny. Love it. And more power to you for sticking up for yourself. How she could dismiss the ART you create is just beyond me!
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