Sometimes I really do think all this photo taking has 'damaged' my Daughter. She is such a POSER!!!!! she's 3 for goodness sake and already she knows how to pout those all reality I think it's a bit funny really, she really enjoys having her photo taken (some days she actually insists on it). Daddy on the other hand is worried that she is going to become a superfishial air head...Not a chance, after all she is MY dadughter!!!!

Anyway, I know my Blog has been really quiet of late ,a nd I haven't done a post in a while. I am sorry, I have had a few issues of late, and my head has been eleswhere. but now that I am somewhat getting it all together I will endevour to be a little more pro-active so to speak.
Thanks for having a read
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
hope that where ever your head has been that things are okay sweet. If there is anything i can do... well .. you know. :)
My hubby is a photographer so our 5 (almost 6) year old has had loads of experience in front of the camera. I tend to agree with Kelly's opinion of models, i think the majority of them are bubble heads.. though.. i think this sweet lil girl is safe... The photos that i have seen are adorable.. i dont think taking photos of your children can do anything but reassure them of the love you feel. ;)
Keep taking those gorgeous shots... i love her pout! :D
hey babe! thinking of ya, praying for ya, hoping all's ok :)
Loving the joint effort layout! What a fab idea - I might try that with my friend Mel :)
Lots of love sweet :)
Lus x
That's a gorgeous photo of your daughter. Layout goes perfectly with it.
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