I showed the new papers and rub-on's to the DH yesterday, even he was really taken with them. I think because the 'intentions' swatch book looks so much like tatoos. Marah said in her chat at cyberscraps that she was heading down the track of remebering that women are 'sexy' too, and that should also be reflected in our scrapbooking, and looking at her stuff I can hand on heart say she has most definatley achieved that. The stuff is just so 'grown up' IYKWIM, and I think that it's appeal lies in the fact that there is nothing eles on the market like this. These can be the LO you can do on your DH without it looking a bit 'cheesey' and on yourself that can be serious, and really soul satisfying. I like the fact that she has given scrapping an edge that it didn't have before. Afterall alot of us are not all mainstream, most of us have an edge and I don't know a woman on earth that doesn't like to feel sexy from time to time!!!!
I have come up with the fact that I guess I am fighting middle age a bit. One of the guys at football training the other night (DS's training...not mine...lol) remarked on my re-aquired pink hair, saying that I have obviously chosen to age 'disgracfully'. I had to laugh, but honestly I am 32 years old, and thats a long way from the grave, but I am certainlly not in my early 20's anymore either, and if I want to die my hair pink...I can, if I want to wear a studded wrist cuff...I can. Afterall I think it's not like I am out to please anyone eles but myself (and ocasionally DH...when he's been a good boy...lol) and honestly I am liking the fact that I an comfortable with who I am now, more than I have ever been in my whiole life...I wish I had found it sooner though, then I would have had the body to wear the clothes that I want to now...lol
Ramble, Ramble, Ramble ....gosh hand over the soap box, cos I am on it today....lol
anyhoo, heres a LO I did on my son Kristofer
Thanks for having a read...if you got through it all and it made ANY sense what-so-ever.
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
1 comment:
Made total sense to me babe!!!!!
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