I did this LO today of my youngest boy Ronin, the pics are from when he was about 6 weeks old (chubby little thing he was).
Ronin was my unsexpected mircle baby....let me explain
After I had my first 3 kids I figuered that was PLENTY for me and I had my tubes tied. I was happy with the desicion as I has 2 boys and a girl and I felt my family was complete. well not long after that my marrage broke down (it didn't come as a mojor surprise it was always a bit rocky) but still, even though I was only 25 I was happy never to have any more kids. Then the fire happened and I lost my 2yld DD Mikayla. I didn't think I would ever recover and truely I think a part of you never really does. Anyway to cut a looonnngggg story short I met and fell in love with Kelly (he is a boy...lol) and he wanted children and I suppose part of me wanted to have another too...not to replace Mik, but more to fill a void in my life, I still felt I had more to give another baby. I had my tubes untied and that failed. Our only option was IVF and luckily enough we were sucessful on out 2nd attempt with 6 embroys frozen for later. Lilyana was such a special baby and she has help me in ways that she will never know!! After her birth the doctors assured me that if I ever wanted to have another baby then I would have to go and deflost out embroys because natural conception was absolutley impossible!!!! ha ha ha I guess my little man had other ideas because when Lily was only 8 months old I found out I was pregnant again (I was still brestfeeding Lily and hadn't even had a period!!!!) Naturally I was so shocked I could hardly believe it...nor could any of the doctor. But here he is, a handful, a nightmare at times, but always adorable little Ronin Jay...my medical report writes him up as a statisical imposiblity....I just call him my little mircle baby
BOY was that long winded!!! Thanks for having a read if you did get though it...lol
Hugs and kisses
~Just sends you lots of squishy hugs~
Miricles happen right when they are needed... i believe fully in that...
Wow Cass! That's such a wonderful and moving story. I can't imagine the pain and heartache you went through losing Mik but I'm glad sent you two more precious wonderful miracles!
It really is a story to tell! I reckon the way you blogged it too should be the journaling for another layout too! It was so beautifully and honestly written.
Thanks for letting us into your life Cass :)
Lus x
Dear Cass
Hi! I've been a scrapper for about 7 years and have only discovered the net about 4weeks ago. Where have i been....LOL. Your work is my favorite...so.o.o.o impressed.Thanks for sharing your precious kids and life with me.As a new kid on the block i look at every thing i can (Haven't had time to scrap even with all this inspiration HA).However yours is the only blog i read.Your open heart and experiences really touch mine. I've never written to anyone on the computer before and I don't type, so this is a moment..Happy scappin' Annie xxx
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