I've worried about it and I have stressed about it, I have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it!!! Well now it's done!!!! My Scrapbooking memories product Challenge that is. And although I am not estactic with the result and I am satitfied....it's very me, and I guess that what counts. I am happy now though that I can now start really scrapping the new Basic grey stuuf oh and the urban Lily...it's a bit cool
Take care
Cass xxxx
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Another one I love for the colours in it
I sort of have a Black and white and red thing going ATM and this is my fav of those
I have only ever done a few pages on me, this one I like cos of my hair...lol
My first venture at putting fabric on a page
I always really loved the colours on this LO
I have this one on my wall...I was so prond of myself for using up scraps
This is the first pic I ever took 'Specifcally for scrapping...pathetic!!!!LOL
My baby sister all grown up
This is the first LO I looked at when it was finished and went...yeah not bad at all!!! lol

I have copied this from Kathie's Blog
I want you all to post in your blogs 10 of your layouts. It doesn't matter if you've already uploaded them to your blog before - just think of it as giving us all a "refresher".
Now - these 10 layouts - they have to be a *certain* 10. I want to see the 10 layouts which are either:
(a) your favourite 10 layouts; or
(b) the 10 layouts that you're most proud of; or
(c) 10 layouts that have some really special significance*** ; or
(d) a combination of any of the above!
*** I know that *all* our pages are special and signficant - but i'm referring to those layouts that really have that extra "meaning" to you...
AND! finally!
Please post a comment here http://alistafford.blogspot.com with a link to your blog telling me that you've taken up my challenge!!! I really want to see!!! And spread the word!!! Let's all celebrate our own AND each other's scrapping!!!!

I sort of have a Black and white and red thing going ATM and this is my fav of those

I have only ever done a few pages on me, this one I like cos of my hair...lol

My first venture at putting fabric on a page

I always really loved the colours on this LO

I have this one on my wall...I was so prond of myself for using up scraps

This is the first pic I ever took 'Specifcally for scrapping...pathetic!!!!LOL

My baby sister all grown up

This is the first LO I looked at when it was finished and went...yeah not bad at all!!! lol

I have copied this from Kathie's Blog
I want you all to post in your blogs 10 of your layouts. It doesn't matter if you've already uploaded them to your blog before - just think of it as giving us all a "refresher".
Now - these 10 layouts - they have to be a *certain* 10. I want to see the 10 layouts which are either:
(a) your favourite 10 layouts; or
(b) the 10 layouts that you're most proud of; or
(c) 10 layouts that have some really special significance*** ; or
(d) a combination of any of the above!
*** I know that *all* our pages are special and signficant - but i'm referring to those layouts that really have that extra "meaning" to you...
AND! finally!
Please post a comment here http://alistafford.blogspot.com with a link to your blog telling me that you've taken up my challenge!!! I really want to see!!! And spread the word!!! Let's all celebrate our own AND each other's scrapping!!!!
New Basic Grey!!!!

Oh Man do I love Basic grey!!! The yummy paper is almost too good to cover up with a pic!!1 and the rub-ons and chipboard YUM!!!!! so totally addicted to this stuff I am that I have nearly always bought the entire range!! lol
Cyberscraps have just gotten in the 'Phoebe' and 'Scarlet letter' and here is my first chop at it
Cass xxxx
Well, I've been a bit neglectful of my poor Blog lately....soooooo busy!!!!! But anywhoo, just to update. I've been busy with the product challenge from SM, and the new Basic Grey and Urban Lily have just come in at Cyberscraps so I have been holding off scrapping cos I have wanted to get my hot little hands on that yummy new paper!!!!!
The fam and I went to Dreamworld on Sunday. My Mum and Dad gave up season passes for Christmas (aren't they just the best!!!!) and last weekend was our last 'free' one before Soccer and Footy games start, so we took the opportunity to go. The kids had a fantastic time (mummy and Daddy too) and I thought I would just quickly share some pics
Have a good one
Cass xxxx
Friday, February 23, 2007
Special Brothers
What A DAY!!!
I ahte above all things mowing the Lawn!! I don't think it comes under the 'housewife' job discription. I't a Man thing, a Son and Husband thing....definately NOT a Me thing!!!
It's hard and hot and sweaty and your arms ache and back hurts...and quite frankly I would rather clean a bathroom than do it any day!!
Dh has been...well....slack and the lawn had turned into some sort of unsustainale forest!! so bad it was that the children said they couldn't play out the back cos the grass was too long. On inspection of said grass yesterday I realised it was a good thing they weren't playing out there because I may well ahve lost one in the undergrowth!!!
Well enough is enough and I can't sit around waiting for Kelly to putt his finger out...when there is no cricket on the telly, or when theres absolutley nothing eles he should be doing, to actually do it. So Today I did it, with massive help from my mummy and daddy. All morning sweating and huffing and puffing around the yard...NOT FUN!!!!
Well it's done now, and the kids will be happy...but I tell you what DH better not let it get that far gone again....Cos when Mummy's not happy...NOBODY's happy...lol
Thanks for letting me vent...I feel so much better now
Cass xxxx
It's hard and hot and sweaty and your arms ache and back hurts...and quite frankly I would rather clean a bathroom than do it any day!!
Dh has been...well....slack and the lawn had turned into some sort of unsustainale forest!! so bad it was that the children said they couldn't play out the back cos the grass was too long. On inspection of said grass yesterday I realised it was a good thing they weren't playing out there because I may well ahve lost one in the undergrowth!!!
Well enough is enough and I can't sit around waiting for Kelly to putt his finger out...when there is no cricket on the telly, or when theres absolutley nothing eles he should be doing, to actually do it. So Today I did it, with massive help from my mummy and daddy. All morning sweating and huffing and puffing around the yard...NOT FUN!!!!
Well it's done now, and the kids will be happy...but I tell you what DH better not let it get that far gone again....Cos when Mummy's not happy...NOBODY's happy...lol
Thanks for letting me vent...I feel so much better now
Cass xxxx
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My little Ronin

I did this LO today of my youngest boy Ronin, the pics are from when he was about 6 weeks old (chubby little thing he was).
Ronin was my unsexpected mircle baby....let me explain
After I had my first 3 kids I figuered that was PLENTY for me and I had my tubes tied. I was happy with the desicion as I has 2 boys and a girl and I felt my family was complete. well not long after that my marrage broke down (it didn't come as a mojor surprise it was always a bit rocky) but still, even though I was only 25 I was happy never to have any more kids. Then the fire happened and I lost my 2yld DD Mikayla. I didn't think I would ever recover and truely I think a part of you never really does. Anyway to cut a looonnngggg story short I met and fell in love with Kelly (he is a boy...lol) and he wanted children and I suppose part of me wanted to have another too...not to replace Mik, but more to fill a void in my life, I still felt I had more to give another baby. I had my tubes untied and that failed. Our only option was IVF and luckily enough we were sucessful on out 2nd attempt with 6 embroys frozen for later. Lilyana was such a special baby and she has help me in ways that she will never know!! After her birth the doctors assured me that if I ever wanted to have another baby then I would have to go and deflost out embroys because natural conception was absolutley impossible!!!! ha ha ha I guess my little man had other ideas because when Lily was only 8 months old I found out I was pregnant again (I was still brestfeeding Lily and hadn't even had a period!!!!) Naturally I was so shocked I could hardly believe it...nor could any of the doctor. But here he is, a handful, a nightmare at times, but always adorable little Ronin Jay...my medical report writes him up as a statisical imposiblity....I just call him my little mircle baby
BOY was that long winded!!! Thanks for having a read if you did get though it...lol
Hugs and kisses
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Feeling HUMAN!!! YEAH
Yesterday I had the most dreadful day. The night before I was feeling crappy so I went to bed early, only to wake up at about 10pm vomiting!!!! I contiuned to do so til 10am yesterday morning. No sleep at all!!!!!!
Nothing worse than feeling like the living dead. My DH had to go to work, and I physically could not look after the two babies on my own, so my white knight 12yld Kristofer, sayed home from school to help. Well, some days, even if you are feeling like hell, remind you that you mustn't be doing too bad a job at raising them. He was FANTASTIC. He changed pooey nappies, he dressed them, he got them breakfast and lunch, he put washing on the line, he clean up the kitchen, he made me cups of tea, and played with them for hours while I lay half dead on the couch!!!! Oh, I was just so thankful!!! Never before had I realised how grown up he actually was, how capable and independant. I was thinking about it after they had all gone to be last night, and all I could think was 'he's going to be OK' you know, when he gets older and finally flys the nest, he will be capable of looking after himself, without me. Strange feeling that, sort of proud that you have done and alright job, and sort of sad that the day that he no longer 'needs' me is coming oh so fast.
Well with yesterday behind me, I have a busy day today, woke up this morning feeling like myself, so now I have to play catch up on yesterday. But thanks to my darling 'not so little' boy, it wont be the massive task it could have been
Cheers, hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Nothing worse than feeling like the living dead. My DH had to go to work, and I physically could not look after the two babies on my own, so my white knight 12yld Kristofer, sayed home from school to help. Well, some days, even if you are feeling like hell, remind you that you mustn't be doing too bad a job at raising them. He was FANTASTIC. He changed pooey nappies, he dressed them, he got them breakfast and lunch, he put washing on the line, he clean up the kitchen, he made me cups of tea, and played with them for hours while I lay half dead on the couch!!!! Oh, I was just so thankful!!! Never before had I realised how grown up he actually was, how capable and independant. I was thinking about it after they had all gone to be last night, and all I could think was 'he's going to be OK' you know, when he gets older and finally flys the nest, he will be capable of looking after himself, without me. Strange feeling that, sort of proud that you have done and alright job, and sort of sad that the day that he no longer 'needs' me is coming oh so fast.
Well with yesterday behind me, I have a busy day today, woke up this morning feeling like myself, so now I have to play catch up on yesterday. But thanks to my darling 'not so little' boy, it wont be the massive task it could have been
Cheers, hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Too Cool!!!
Yesterday was a good day
I got an e-mail yesterday from Scrapbooking memories to sak me to to a product challenge. Too cool, feel very special right now!!!
And my Best Buddy Lu pointed me in the right direction for to a fantastic opportunity for my DS Kristofer. She read in the courier mail about a school that is is openning up at the Gold Coast for bright children in years 10-12 that want to become doctors and dentists. My son has had it in his head for a long while now that he wants to become a Doctor, actually a radiography oncologist (please excuse my speelling, he's the bright one, not me!!Lol) a doctor that deals witht the research and teatment of canser paitences. This school is run through the QLD Acadamies, and information is very hard to come by, no one seems to know what is going one, but after much help from the darling Lu, and much web surfing I finally got some answers. Theres an exam to sit and an interview, before you are giving an offer. It's at this point it becomes tricky...lots of money involved!! even though it's a public school they are only 'subsidised' by the government not 'supported' and because only 150 students will ever be accepted there are major costs involved. We aren't made of money, far from it!! but as far as I am concerned, if my boy gets into this school, we will just have to get the money from somewhere?????
Oh well Kris and I are very excited about the idea, and I love seeing the thirst to learn and achieve in his eyes
Thanks for having a read!!!! ((((HUGS))))
Cass xxxx
I got an e-mail yesterday from Scrapbooking memories to sak me to to a product challenge. Too cool, feel very special right now!!!
And my Best Buddy Lu pointed me in the right direction for to a fantastic opportunity for my DS Kristofer. She read in the courier mail about a school that is is openning up at the Gold Coast for bright children in years 10-12 that want to become doctors and dentists. My son has had it in his head for a long while now that he wants to become a Doctor, actually a radiography oncologist (please excuse my speelling, he's the bright one, not me!!Lol) a doctor that deals witht the research and teatment of canser paitences. This school is run through the QLD Acadamies, and information is very hard to come by, no one seems to know what is going one, but after much help from the darling Lu, and much web surfing I finally got some answers. Theres an exam to sit and an interview, before you are giving an offer. It's at this point it becomes tricky...lots of money involved!! even though it's a public school they are only 'subsidised' by the government not 'supported' and because only 150 students will ever be accepted there are major costs involved. We aren't made of money, far from it!! but as far as I am concerned, if my boy gets into this school, we will just have to get the money from somewhere?????
Oh well Kris and I are very excited about the idea, and I love seeing the thirst to learn and achieve in his eyes
Thanks for having a read!!!! ((((HUGS))))
Cass xxxx
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
My little (not so little actually) book worm
Rain, Rain go AWAY!!!!!!!!
I know we have a water shortage, and are on all sorts of horrible water restrictions. I know we need the rain, but why NOW!!! My Dh is a painter and currently has a job that is all exterior, hense if it rains he cant work!!!!!. Totally sux!! He is a contractor, so no work, no money. And no money at this point is absolutly a disarster!! and they recon this rain is going to hang around for a week!! A whole week with no pay may well sink us....awful situation. He cant even go and work for someone eles ATM because there is scaffolding on site (that is costing us money) and if the rain does stop, even for a few hours, he needs to be avalible to go and work. I want it to rain...but in the catchment area...is that to much to ask????? In the mean time he is at home, grizzling and grumping around like a bear with a sore head. Throws my whole day out of wack when he is at home. Cant seem to get anything achieved. Oh well, these things are sent to try us.
WA WA WA...off to make him a cup of coffee...maybe I can get him to be at least helpful while he is at home....fat chance of that I recon!!!!!
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
WA WA WA...off to make him a cup of coffee...maybe I can get him to be at least helpful while he is at home....fat chance of that I recon!!!!!
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Monday, February 12, 2007
Possessed by some LO demon

OK so today I decided to do my LO for the 'How dare you' site. Simple right??? well little did I know what was going to happen. Yesterday I went down to spotlight to get some chiffon to make the girls some scrafs for ballet and in thier offcut bin they had a whole heap of these funky fabrics, which I had to buy offcourse (SM have a fabric call ATM). So I had this simple idea to do the LO by stitching some of these fabrics onto the page.....and look what happened!!!! some sort of embellishment explosion!!!! everything that was lying around on my desk seemed to end up on my page!!!LOL oh well, I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it certainly differnent
Thanks for having a look...and please tell me what you think!! be honest now, I have a really thick skin!!
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Lusi's Stamps!!
Ballet, Cricket,Soccer, Football AARRGGHHHH

Any one with more than one child will know that once they all get to a certain age, life is about TRAVEL, and Time managment. Daily life becomes a logistical nightmare of 'Who needs to be WHERE???' But it's fun though!!!!!
If you have had a read of Lu's blog you'll know our beautiful daughter started Ballet class together on Friday afternoon. And being the pathetic scrapbooking mummies we are, off we went cameras in toe!!
Here's a few pics I took at cricket also, Check my eldest out...lol he will find a comfy way to read a book anywhere!!! Look at the size of that foot!!!! he is costing me a fortune in shoes it's already a size 14 and he hasn't turned 13 yet!!. and my little red head boy Scotto! he is the most loving, beautiful souled one of the lot. And to round off where would my life be without a little mischief!!!! Ronin wont keep his tounge in his head ATM, stick a camera anywhere near him and out it pops!!
Friday, February 9, 2007
I am Thankful for
OK, so I stole this idea off Lu's blog. But it got me thinking, so heres my list
I am thankful for....
1-The roof over my head, even though it's rented, it suits my family down to the ground and is comfortable for all of us
2- That my children are all heathy and Happy(well most of the time) I hear so may devastating stories about some very ill children, that just break my heart. I am probably the most thankful for this
3- Inspiration (when it hits, I absolutly love that feeling)
4- My husband...he has a way of pushing me to do things I am scared to do...without knowing that he's doing it!!!!
5- My parents, without thier help and support I amsure I'd be in ALOT of trouble
6- That I have a car and enough fuel in it to get to where I need to go and do what I need to do
7- Cheese....I LOVE cheese
8- Paper...that goes without saying....lol
9- And ofcourse last but not at all least, the lovely Lu. A better pick-me-up than Valium and just a great likewise soul
(gosh, I could go on forever)
how about, flowers and trees, and I really dig that Randal down at Harvey norman knows my name...oh and the star picket i used to fix my mail box, I'm thankful for it, and...and...and....They put Days of our LIves on before the cricket, love that. And I best stop, getting silly now
Thanks for having a read ((((((HUG))))))
Cass xxxx
I am thankful for....
1-The roof over my head, even though it's rented, it suits my family down to the ground and is comfortable for all of us
2- That my children are all heathy and Happy(well most of the time) I hear so may devastating stories about some very ill children, that just break my heart. I am probably the most thankful for this
3- Inspiration (when it hits, I absolutly love that feeling)
4- My husband...he has a way of pushing me to do things I am scared to do...without knowing that he's doing it!!!!
5- My parents, without thier help and support I amsure I'd be in ALOT of trouble
6- That I have a car and enough fuel in it to get to where I need to go and do what I need to do
7- Cheese....I LOVE cheese
8- Paper...that goes without saying....lol
9- And ofcourse last but not at all least, the lovely Lu. A better pick-me-up than Valium and just a great likewise soul
(gosh, I could go on forever)
how about, flowers and trees, and I really dig that Randal down at Harvey norman knows my name...oh and the star picket i used to fix my mail box, I'm thankful for it, and...and...and....They put Days of our LIves on before the cricket, love that. And I best stop, getting silly now
Thanks for having a read ((((((HUG))))))
Cass xxxx
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Wooo hooo time fixed
OK my blogger thought I was American....lol, Thanks to my babelious Lu for fixing the time for me....where would I be without you!!!!!
My Blogger has lost a day!!!!!!
Oh no...just proving that somethings take on the personalities of thier owners, my Blogger is a day behind!!!!!! Bummmer Bummmer Bummmer, Not sure I can fix this issue!!! Oh well, I would rather it was yesterday too sometimes....lol
Today is Thurday the 8th of Feb...poor blogger !!!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Today is Thurday the 8th of Feb...poor blogger !!!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx

Oh am I feeling Blahhhhhhhhh today. Just yucky!!! I am a bit sick I think, not tooo bad, but I'm a bit tired and soooo unmotivated. I just feel like sitting on my bum and doing nothing!!! impossible ofcourse, seeing there are two rather distructive children running around and the two big boys will be home soon, and I guess the whole family will expect to be fed. Oh yeah and there is Fotty and Soccer training. Washing needs to be put on the line, and stuff is strewn throughout the house. Would it be really bad of me to make a cup of coffee, and go sit outside with my new mag and have a good read???? is that bad???? Probably, but I think I will anyway
Chow for now (I really should learn how to spelll...lol)
TTYL Cass xxxx
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Yeah Wednesday!!!!

I have had a cool day today, the kind of day that makes my feel really at peace with your surroundings. I Got so much housework done yesterday, so today all I had to do was scrap...and stuff around!!!!
I got my issue of Scrapbooking memories yesterday, so cool to see my LO in print, even if it is a little washed out. I took it over to show Lu (her's hasn't arrived yet and she has a LO in it too...yeah us!!!) then stopped in at Harvey Norman, and printed off some pics. When I got home I realsised that I had missed a call from SM, and when I called them back, they told me that they are going to use my story, as part of thier 'Real People, real stories' tooo damn cool!!!!!!! and then I got an acceptance from them this afternoon!!!!!! (really Loving Scrapbooking Memories ATM!!!!)
I even got 2 LO's finished today!!!!!!
Some days are just sweet!!!!
TTYL Cass xxxxx
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Scotto's 11 Yeah!!!!!!!

This is my second boy Scott, we call him Scotto, don't know why...just do. And today he turned 11 'WOW' is all I can think, he's 11, and he's my second!!!! god I must be getting old!!!! But he was very excited this morning when he got his pressies, he's a bit of a cricketer and we adventually decided to get him the beach cricket gear, inculing a pitch, which he and his cousins, and the boys next door, can use in the back yard. Oh and he got a cricket shirt too...a bit big but he doesn't care it's 'cool'...gotta love kids
Oh and I couldn't help uploading a pic of my Lily in her first Tu Tu, a pressie from grandma fro her birthday a few weeks ago...to me she just looks so beautiful
Thanks for having a read (((((((hugs)))))))
Cass xxxx
Last thing....the latest SM has a LO of mine in it of Lily, called 'Beautiful Girl' funny thing is I did that LO nearly 12 months ago...boy has my style changed, but I still dig the LO!!!!!
Monday, February 5, 2007
19 month Horror!!!!
I love my youngest son, I really do, but honestly he would try the paitence of a saint!!! I am having one of those moments tody when all I can think is 'what am I doing wrong????' He is jsut being so definate, he wont do anything he is told (not that I expect too much of him), he wont leave anything alone, he is constantly beating up his sister, and to make matter worse, he didn't go to sleep until 1pm and then only slept for 40mins, so now he is tired, cranky and mummy hasn't had a break long enough to deal with the afternoon onslaught!!!. Presently he is wondering around the house with a tennis racket tring to hit anyone that dares cross his path, and his father is tring desparatly to get the offending impliment off him without causing himself injury (hence I am hiding in the office, playing with the puter....sort of like a hostage really)
I so hope he grows up to be a well adusted human being, we are certainly doing our best here, but just when we figure out what makes him tic, he goes tock. I best go, sounds like he is getting his clothes off again, another recent development...nuddie runs through the house. Oh the joys of motherhood!!!!!!!
Cass xxxxx
P.s. I got a couple of commisssing letters in the mail today from SM, always makes the day brighter, cheers
I so hope he grows up to be a well adusted human being, we are certainly doing our best here, but just when we figure out what makes him tic, he goes tock. I best go, sounds like he is getting his clothes off again, another recent development...nuddie runs through the house. Oh the joys of motherhood!!!!!!!
Cass xxxxx
P.s. I got a couple of commisssing letters in the mail today from SM, always makes the day brighter, cheers
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Good mummy thang

OKely dokely, today I have such a good mummy (note, tongue definatley in cheek) I got up early with the baby, so hubby could sleep in. I went up the shop and bought fresh bread and rockmelon, and made yummy french toast for everyone. I went and did Krissy footy sign-on. I did the grocery shopping, I came home and baked cakes for the week, and while DH is watching his beloved cricket I took the kids into the backyard and watched them play, while cutting little hearts out of some patterned paper. I am so proud of myself I have even managed to get a couple of LO's done. Woo Hoo I LOVE a productive and somewhat peaceful day!!!!! well as peaceful as it gets around here
TTYL Cassxxxx
Busy Busy BUSY!!!!!
Something has just occured to me. This year my afternoons are going to be absolute mayhem!!!!!
Scott is going to have soccer training twice a week, and because cricket season doesn't finish for a few weeks yet, he also has cricket training once a week, Kris will have footy training twice a week, both boys have Karate twice a week, Lily has ballet every friday afternoon, and now that Kelly has decided that he is going to play soccer this year as well, he will have training twice a week too!!!! Phew!!! I don't know the days yet, but there are going to be double -ups, probably even triple-ups!!!, maybe even quadruple-ups!!!!!!! all this WITHOUT even factoring in the games on the weekends!!!!
I have decided a white board is definatly in order, otherwise I will never be able to keep track...why cant they give 12 yld's liecences under extreme circumstances!LOL
Oh well , I know how incedible busy I will be, and the cost of all theses activities will probably kill us, dinner times will be a snatch 'n' grab, and no doubt my house will suffer, but it's better than them sitting in front of the playstation, isn't it, ISN't IT?????????
good thing I can scrap during the day, and I am sure I will get some good mag reading time, while I do the taxi run, "next stop...crazy town' why did I have so many children????
Scott is going to have soccer training twice a week, and because cricket season doesn't finish for a few weeks yet, he also has cricket training once a week, Kris will have footy training twice a week, both boys have Karate twice a week, Lily has ballet every friday afternoon, and now that Kelly has decided that he is going to play soccer this year as well, he will have training twice a week too!!!! Phew!!! I don't know the days yet, but there are going to be double -ups, probably even triple-ups!!!, maybe even quadruple-ups!!!!!!! all this WITHOUT even factoring in the games on the weekends!!!!
I have decided a white board is definatly in order, otherwise I will never be able to keep track...why cant they give 12 yld's liecences under extreme circumstances!LOL
Oh well , I know how incedible busy I will be, and the cost of all theses activities will probably kill us, dinner times will be a snatch 'n' grab, and no doubt my house will suffer, but it's better than them sitting in front of the playstation, isn't it, ISN't IT?????????
good thing I can scrap during the day, and I am sure I will get some good mag reading time, while I do the taxi run, "next stop...crazy town' why did I have so many children????
Friday, February 2, 2007
Birthday Pressie?????
Boy do I have a problem!!!!
My 2nd son Scott turns 11 on tuesday, and he has no idea what he wants for his birtday!!! He says he cant think of anything he needs or even wants!!! very typical for Scotto, he's a satisfied little soul, as long as he gets a cuddle in the morning and kisses at night, he's pretty happy. His catch phase pretty much always has been 'whatever'. Don't get me wrong this kid has a firey red-head temper, but honestly it take a bit to wind him up...then he goes off like a fire cracker!!!
None of which helps me with my problem, what do you get a kid who doesn't want anything...and honestly so close after christmas doesn't 'need' anything either!!!!!
Financial we a are strapped too, soccer and football sign-on's are this weekend, and they are always a bit of a blow.
I am sure I will work it out...he'll probably end up with really boring stuff, like clothes!!
Oh my little aquarian soul, he has such middle child symdrome, lost in the middle bettween his over-achieving Big brother, and the needing lots of attention babies. I really would like to do something special for him. Maybe I will take him out of school next Wednesday, when the babies are at kindy and we can have fantastic wednesday sandwiches together
TTYL (talk to you later)
Cass xxxx
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