Ok I did it, well Lu actually did it, But look at my Hair!!!!!! believe me it's no wig, it's my hair!!! the photo hasn't been altered or even colour enhanced, my Hair actually look like it glows in the dark!!!!!!
Well I felt like being a bit silly, couldn't we all use a little silly every now and then, and really I'm not hurting anyone (DH would beg to differ, he recons he won't go out in public with me)
It was my 32nd birthday and it is something that I have always wanted to do....just once!!! so now I can cross it off my List I'm happy.
Lu came over on thursday night and we had a few drinks and she coloured it, I have had ALOT of comments (you should have seen the look on a couple of fuddy duddy's faces down a the LSS)
Its a bit of fun....you Like??????
Be back Later, kids causing trouble
Cass xxxxxxx
I like it, I like it a LOT!!! cool... good on you! looking good! :D
lol lol lol!!! you are rockin girl :) you and that cheeky lu hey!!!!!! happy belated brithday sweetness!
Lusi x
Love your hair. Hope you can stop over at themanyshadesofpink.blogspot.com and enter our pink hair contest.
You will need a photo also of you with your original clor hair.
You could be the winner...hope to mhear from you.
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