Some moments as a mummy are hard to hang on to. Some days I have to remind myself that she wont be a little girl, sitting on my lap forever...soon enough she is probably going to be embarressed to be sitting next to me ( I know this first hand with my eldest son, he's 12 and just starting the 'don't embarress me mother' thing). The one thing that I truely do love about scrapping is that I can stop and cherish these kinds of moments, they fleet away so fast. I was once told that there are two types of scrappers, Events ones (they scrap wedding and birthdays, first teeth...etc, etc) and moment scrappers, that are inspired by the 'moment' or the emotional memory that a pic can conjoure. I know which type I am and I don't care if it's popular, or not. I don't care wheather it is not recording the important events of my childrens lives or not. To me the moment is so much more truthful to the soul, not manufactured or created, but real.
My kids may not have a page dedicated to every birthday, or sporting event, but they will have albums dedicated to how much I love them, how much they mean to me, and what thier personalities are like 'right at the time I made the page'.
I know now, as an adult, that I can't remember what mum and dad got me for my 7th birthday, but I do remeber that they love me, and those are the kind of pages that I want my kids to have
All very true and right and good! Moments scrappers unite! lol
I love this photo Cass it I think it shows just how you are feeling.
yay blogger is going to let me post cass!!!! you have no idea how long it show up the *error on page* message - grrrrrrrr...anyhoo....congrats on all your acceptances darl! Just wonderful :) And love that gorgeous lo! Thanks for popping by my blog the other day too!
Big squeezy hugs to you :)
Lus x
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