Ok, so today was a pretty nothing kinda of a day. But I kinda like those. I got a page done, that I am somewhat happy with, and I have a idea for one that I am going to do tommorrow. I have made the patty cakes for Lily to take to kindy tommorrow (she's three on Sunday). I washed the floors, I did the dirty washing, all those mundane every(gawdamn)day things.
So overall a productive kind of a day...if somewhat boring
The Lo I did if for the 'How dare you' site, thier challendge is for LO that are inspired by film. I took my insipration from that tacky (yet wonderful) 80's film Dirty Dancing, and something accured to me. I really like tacky 80's films, you know....Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candels, Dream a little dream (or the Corey and Corey films), and my beloved Breakfast Club (all time Fav). They were easy to watch, I obviously hate to think to hard, always had happy endings, and they make me feel good!!!!!! I am not saying by any means that i don't enjoy a good drama, or thriller, It's just that sometimes with all the murder and crime shows on TV, I just want to watch what my DH calls 'a bit of fluff'.
Oh well thats my confession for the day......do I have to say 5 hail Corey's or am I not the only one with a secret Patrick Swayse fetish...lol
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