He got a big boy bike and some cars, lots and lots of much needed clothes and a pair of shoes. Aunty Katie bought him a mr potato head, and Aunty Lu lots of matching socks...very cool
He had cupcakes at kindy and a cake after dinner...so he is one happy and sleepy little camper.
Lu and I had a really productive day in the shop...a few very cool OTP projects done...will get pics soon
Oh and something REALLY exciting!!!!!!!!!
As some of you know my eldest baby Kistofer is in the processes of applying for the Queensland Academies (this is sort of like uni...but for high school kids) He has his heart set on being a doctor...a Raditation oncologist to be precise, and the Academies are openning a school for heath services next year at Griffith Uni at the Gold Coast. Well after filling in a mount of forms last month he had the BIG exam...thousands of kids did this all over the state, after which it was a matter of 'don't call us, we'll call you' and today I got the e-mail offering him an interview. This is not an acceptance....yet, they will interview a few hundred kids for only 100 places, but it is a VERY BIG DEAL. There was much screaming and jumping up and down going on....I have never been so excited or so proud, my chest is just about exploding. He has a long way to go, but I can't see anything wrong with celebrating each step. His 13th birthday is in 2 weeks and we always planned on having a party for him...becoming a teenager and all, but it would be so nice to have something eles to celebrate. And even if he doesn't actually get in, he is in the top .1% of kids in the state. I keep telling him that there are lots of paths to get to his goal, and if he doesn't get in here, he has other options...afterall he is only 12, but this would certainly be the most effiecent way.
Well thats enough of my ramblings....big shout out to Alana, and Lusi...love your work in the new Scrapbooking Memories...and ofcourse to my best girl Lu, she has her 'Real life, Real stories' in this issue too....go have a read it's pretty cool, and a great Marah Johnson LO of Caeligh she did with it
Feeling really blessed right now....good friends, good family...GREAT kids, and lovin' my paper...and my job.......does it get any better???? (don't answer that Lu!!!...cheeky thing)
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Happy 2nd birthday to Ronin - he has really grown since the old SAM cc days!
Hey, a HUGE congrats to Kris! How cool is that????!!!!!! Hope he goes all the way with it and whatever he does in life :) He'll be a mover and shaker!
And thanks for the shout-out hun. Congrats to you and Lu too for your woerk (i haven't seen the mag yet but i can't wait!)
love and blessings,
Lus x
thanks for popping by again.
I know the feeling of your baby turning 2, it is a huge milestone! luckily I was already pregnant, cause it was making me feel mighty clucky! LOL
congrats to your boy too, thats great news!
WOW!! What a day....the b'day boy looked impressed....and OMG you must be proud of that boy! ONLY 12.....his road is still so long so the options will be imense!! (did i spell that right)....and thanks for the shout out....I cannot wait to see, the mag...next FRIDAY!! have a lovely weekend..LOL Alana
WOW! I can see why you're so proud. That is awesome. I can't believe he is so focused on a career and he's not yet 13! Very impressive. :) Sounds like quite a kid you've got there!
that is fantastic news for your son you must be sooo proud,and for him to know what he wants to do with his career at his age is just fantastic, good on him:-) and happy 2nd birthday to Ronin
Beautiful lo's. Congrats to Kristopher on the academies!! I was thinking of applying for my daughter, but she wants to go to the science/medicine one.....very far away. Is it from grade 8 or from grade 10? Huge Congrats!!
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