Lu and I are starting to take classes in the Cyberscraps bricks and morter store in Salisbury, so I thought I would share a few things that are on the adgenda for this month. The LO is a stamping and watercolour class...very cool, and the second is the most amazing tag mini album (By Lu), honestly this would make a fabo gift
We are also having kids classes and beginners classes as well, also if you just want to come along for a crop we have them every second friday at half time, and every friday morning...snackies included. So if you are interested in coming along, please check out the time table and stuff on the Cyberscraps site-
so that's all my blatant advertising out of the way....don't think too badly of
well now Ladies, hows was your weekend??? hummmm mine was actually rather productive. Got a few things ticked off my list and I am feeling all good about it!!! yeah me!!!!
Anyway here's what Lu and I thought today. In the shop we have all this new cool bella chipboard and Bling in, really reasonable priced stuff, one could even go as far as to say it is DIRT CHEAP!!! lol anyway in the vien of sharing the love around, we figured that it is RAK time again.
If you want to be in it just leave LU or I a comment and we will have a little draw on friday for the stuff.
The pack includes that yummy beela chipboard, rub-on's and bling brads, as well as some prima flowers, making memories paper, and a couple of creative imaginations sticker sheets, they all rpetty much co-ordinate, so there are potentially heaps of LO's here....check it out
Pretty good stuff huh???
anyways I'll be back later now...keep smilin'
Cass xxxx
Wow you work is so amazing! So gorgeous!!! And your children are totally cute! I love your daughters blonde hair!
Cassandra I just wanted to say that you scrapping is AMAZING! You are a true inspiration! Thankyou
So are you going to start on line classes for us who don't live in your area.... Would love to be able to do the mini book and the layout they are totally stunning items...xx and Good luck with the classes I'm sure they will be filled up xx
This layout is just gorgeous! All the best for the classes. :)
that little tag book is just the lo of your dd she looks so sweet.....Yummo that RAK looks awesome
hi! still loving your work, introduced a young frined (aged1) into the world of scrapbooking with your canvas that was featured in SM. she loved it and we made a fantastic canvas of her baby cousin. RAK looks great, first i've ever heard of these before!
have a great week :)
luv tori!
Cass the tag album is brilliant!
Perfect idea for a present for so many different occassions - might have to do one for the MIL ;)
Hey cass,
as you know i have booked into the watercolour class and Lu's little tag book can't wait only 7 more sleeps yipeeee.
Your work is beautiful Cassandra. The tags are so cute too. Will definately come back here more often to check your new stuff.
ove the classes and yes that stuff rocks!!l
The layout and the tags are just gorgeous!!
Awesome work Cass - you are such an inspiration!
Too bad I don't live in your area. that tag book looks very cool. Have fun with the classes. Love your blog. Usaully stalk you. LOL.
Anyway take care.
Your work is truly stunning and inspirational and I enjoy looking at your layouts. Good luck with your classes although I am sure you don't need it as you are great at what you do.
Love your work - lovely! That new Bella range looks great...and affordable ;) I might have to pop over and visit the new store..and maybe try my very first class with you guys. Love that tag book. Thanks :)
**wonders if she is RANDOM enough!?**
Woohoooo heydiddliho Cass, that daughter of yours is certainly going to break some hearts when she is a teen.... I love seeing lo's of her, reminds me of my own girls when they were little...she is perfect for inspiration...
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