Personally I am waiting on the new CI stuff. Marah Johnson has her new range 'ROCKSTAR' coming out very soon, and I have had a bit of a lookie at it and I tell you what it is AMAZING!!! too darn cool!!!!!! anyway I am not exactly when it will be avalible, but believe me I will be shouting it from the rooftops when it is
These are our kids classes that we are running all though the school holidays. So if you want some peace from your lot for a while, drop them off and we will keep them amused for a couple of
Here a couple of LO's I did in the shop today. The 'bloom' one actually has 5 different patterned papers on it, covering all the bits of chipboard, honestly sometimes I think my head read, this took the better part of an entire day. But I will say I am happy with the results, but then again who doesn't love Basic grey. I soooooo can't wait for the new range, it should be in the shop sometime THIS WEEK.....woooohooooo
Thanks to all you wonderful blog buds out there in cyber land for dropping to hear a comment too, if you have a minute....(needy aren't I?????)(and this means you too mum)
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Hey hey matey!!!
I'm here and I read ;o) But a pretty slack-ass comment-poster!
Be sure to let us know when you hear about Kris' outcome with his interview!!! Have had my fingers crossed for you guys!
Looking forward to our next catch-up session!!!
Ali :o) xoxo
Cass you dont sleep do you?
I love these two layouts, you do the most amazing work and I swear you dont sleep - I am starting to think there are a few ridiculously talented scrappers who just run on batteries - brilliant Cass!
Hi there Cass.
Love these two pages Cass. The 2nd one is just fabbo.
completely fab pages.. love that heart flower :) talented much ??? :)
If I could scrap half as good as you Cass I would want people to leave me comments too... hehehe...
Mwahs Chicky ARE needy aren't you?!?!?! Love your layouts gorgeous! Catch up when my @#$?! back is okay!
hi babe ;)
beautiful work!
love to you guys,
lus x
Hi Cass! Gorgeous layouts as usual. :) I totally love the flourish on the enormous T. :)
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