I will start with the easiest thing and then work up to the more eventful
I had an urge to do this LO on Kristofer this morning...funny little urge that said I must do it now....I don't tend to ignore those. It ended up being a little poetic in the end....read on dear friends....lol
This was an exciting thing that I have neglected to mention before....mind of a pancake sometimes I have.
And it's Offical!!! My little sister Rebekah is getting married!!!!!! The magnificent Matt asked her on Saturday (took him long enough....lol) funnily enough at the place where he first asked her out....beautiful and on the 7/7/07 too...he's a romantic boy our Matt....welcome to the family matey, not that you weren't before, but I guess now as I said, it's offical. I love you both dearly and I can't think a more suited couple....fireworks and all....lol
Here's the ring....another beauitful thing!!!!
And now....dum da da....!!!!!!!
Well after what seemed like an eternity of waiting we finally got THE letter today to say that Kristofer has been accepted into the Queensland Acadamies, Griffith University Heath Services!!!!!!!!! he was so excited....beside himself actually....I cried and cried, I am soooo darn proud of this boy, my heart could burst right now. Still the scrapper in me had the camera ready when he openned said letter....pathetic really....lol
And that's it...I think...anything could happen at this point. Well My other little sister Trisha is due to have a baby any day...perhaps Toby could poke his head out this week....these things are supposed to come in 3's aren't they???????
Take Care
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Wow - awesome news all round! Congratulations!
Oh babe, so proud and so happy for you all right now!!! GO KRIS!!!! And a big congrats to Bek too - about time Matty!!!!! And yeah, where is that Toby??? Did Trisha try the trick I told her on Sunday? Happy happy day babe!!!
Feeling like a bit of a stalker here as I have followed the story here and at SM forum...but big congrats to the clever and industrious Kristopher. How excting and rewarding for him. All the very best for a bright and successful future.
Congrats to your son Cass, that is fantastic news you must be so proud!
Yay yay yay yay yay (insert VERY happy dance here!) so happy for Kris! What a huge achievement! And a big congrats to your sis too mate! So lovely :)
A beautiful day all round :)
Love Lus x
Ps: your btp look fab too!
Hi Cass,
Taht is fantastic news for Kris,congratulations to him.Now the fun will start,and congrats to your sister as well.I can imagine how proud you are of him and so you should be.Yeah!!!!!!That will make your week month and year.
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