I should be cleaning the kitchen
I should be vacuming the floor
I should be sorting out our tax stuff
I should be folding clothes
I should be organising food for dinner
I should be tiding the little kids rooms
I should be doing some commissions LO's
I should be trying to find my scrap desk
I should be cleaning our ensuite
BUT I DON"T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am feeling really really lazy today. Ronin is asleep right now, a time when I can ussally shoot around getting lots done without interuption.But today I jsut want to sit on my bum and do nothing. I am consoling myself with the fact that by updating my Blog I am actually doing SOMETHING...be it all not that constructive to the overall running of the house...but hey, you get that
So yesterday in the shop was a VERY busy day...love that, Kat came in for a bit of a spending spree...hope your having fun rolling around on the floor in all that fabo new paper and stuff girls!!!!!
But GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!
(I am going to assume I heard a ...'WHAT???' in a very excited tone)
Our Klick and Kut arrived in the shop today!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!
this machine is going to be my new favourite thing I can tell already, it cuts anything you can find on a computer out of paper...and get this CHIPBOARD !!!!!!!!
How cool is that!!!! (I know I am going a bit OTT...but I am very excited)
Offcourse it will be living in the shop and will be available for classes and crops...how cool, so come on down and check it out!!! Cath is giving us a lesson on howe to use it tommorrow in the shop....so excited!!!
well now that I have had my little moment, I have done a couple of LO's to share too
The first one is our advanced class for next month, to celebrate fathers day
You Like????
book a class and I show you how to do it....dead easy!!!
Thanks for dropping by, and I really now SHOULD go and do something other than bludge huh??? maybe I will go watch some trashie TV instead...now thats a plan stan!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Hope you got to watch some good trashie tv Cass. Some of it is just plain...well trashy lol! :p
wow your layouts rock.
i too would much rather scrap then do all the other important stuff. lol
the new toy at the shop sounds awesome, I so wish that i had one of those, i need one. lol! maybe that will be my excuse.
Love your LO's, keep them coming
I like!
I love the colours in the last layout. These are all gorgeous. Fathers Day layout is beautiful.
Hear hear about your day!!!
Love your lo's, and I LURVE the sound of your new toy!!
These layout are just gorgeous, and I love all the colour and the embellishments, just beautiful, and I know what you mean about doing other things LOL !!
Carole xx
Cass they almost look like twins.they are sooo cute love both your layouts i would sit around and do nothing as well
your layouts are great cass and yay for your new machine....wish i could come play with it and have a big phat scrap with you and lu :)
lus x
your latest pages are stunning cass!!
and i sooo know how you feel when you should be doing everything except what you are currently doing - lol!
Love the layouts, they're fantastic.
I'm still grinning about meeting you and Lu, can't wait to come to a crop. As for the supplies, I keep re-falling in love with them all!
I hope you enjoyed your lazy day!
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