Well my little sister FINALLY had her baby this morning. Toby John was born at 8.36am, weighed 3kg exactly (6'9...in the old scale) 48cm long and just so adorable I could eat him up...lol. He has a mop of dark hair....I always wanted one with hair. It is actually his older brother Sebastian's 2nd birthday today....what a pressie!!!! Tim (Tobes's dad) said to Trisha this morning 'When I said I wanted my kids about 2 years apart, I did actually literally mean two years EXACTLY!!!' Oh well I recon....at least they won't forget each others birthday!!!
I just had to share a couple of pic. This is him about 8 hours old. My second son Scotto was just busting for a couddle....isn't he just tooo darn cute!!!!!

And these are a couple of the LO's that I started on Friday and finished late yesterday. The bed one is for the cyberscraps 'get real challenge' this month it is scrap your quirks

Awwww I can almost smell him! So precious. :)
congrats Auntie Cass thats fantastic.I hope all is well and i can see why you woulld love to just eat him up.And congrats to your sister and family.
oh i want one...ok i want one more....he is gorgeous...and i love your bed layout..its fabbo!!!
oh what a beautiful baby :)
Beautiful baby boy! I love the new lo's, but especially the "tuck me in" one.....You rock!!
oh wow Cass!!! Your work is just so gorgeous! I love it! Love the bed layout! So cool!
and the little baby is so cute! isnt he gorgeous!
Congratulations to your sister and you for becoming an aunty
Your layouts are gorgeous as always
i love the one of the bed
Congrats to you and your family Aunty Cass!
Love the LOs, by the way. Spectacular as always!
Welcome to the world precious Toby!
Congrats on your acceptances too Cass!
Love Lus x
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