Lu and I had a friday night crop. The brand spanking new Basic grey was on the menu, so I have done a couple of LO useing it.
This Last LO I actually started during the week. You probably can't read the journalling, but for some reason this LO which started out innocent enough has made me a little sad. You see the human brain can't recall sound. We can remember sight and touch and all the other senses, but after 3 months of not hearing a sound we can't remember it unless we hear it again. I know this because I had a mind panic attack when I realsised I could no longer remember what Mikayla's voice sounded like. I went off to a doctor and he told me it was normal...but still pretty devastating IYKWIM. So this LO was about the fact that some day the sound of Lily and Caelighs little girl laughter will be gone...and we won't be about to remeber it...hense the title. I loved the Silverchair song, and it was my original inspiration.
Anywhooo on we go.....
So Saturday I did something some would think is my mother!!! I got a tattoo!!!! At 32 years old I think I still haven't grown up, but it is something I have always wanted and now I feel that I have come to a stage in my life that I am comfortable with who I am and what I am to go ahead and do it without reservation and that inpending fear of doom which in my younger years told me that for some reason if I got a tattoo the world would end....IYKWIM???
I don't have a picture of it yet...I will put it up here when I do. It is a searies of 5 stars running down my spine (OMG did it hurt). There are 3 bigger stars for my boys and 2 smaller one to represent my girls. I love it and Kelly does too. I will forever be grateful for my darling LU for coming with me, because let me tell you it CAINED!!!!!! I had to sit in the same position and not talk for three hours...anyone that knows me will know that that is torcher in itself....lolBut Lu talked and Talked and without her voice I think I would have gone mad....thank-you babe
and now Sunday.....
We had Kristofer 13th birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Half the footy team came, and believe me all those boys can sure make some noise. But in all honesty they were all fantatically behaved. They played footy in the backyard, and soccer and watch Starship Troopers and ate and ate and ate.They finished off the day with and ice fight....silly really cos it was pretty cold at 6pm....but I am beginning to think that as they get older and the testosetrone increases they get sillyer and siller...until they are men!!!!!
well thats it..phew...quite event filled really
Hope everyone eles had a great weekend, I am off to the shop my self...Lu has typing duties this week, so it will be quiet and I will miss her...come in and say 'hi'
thanks for having a read
Cass xxxx
Beautiful layouts and the last one is just gorgeous!
I so hear you on the silliness once they hit 13, and just quitely sometimes it doesnt stop when they get to be a man lol
Hi Cass ,
all three are just so good again.I love the last one with Lily and Caleigh i did have a tear as the words that you wrote are so true and heartfelt.Well have a great week.
take care Kerry xo
Hi Cass ,
all three are just so good again.I love the last one with Lily and Caleigh i did have a tear as the words that you wrote are so true and heartfelt.Well have a great week.
take care Kerry xo
Oh babe I miss you already too!!!! Stupid frickin computer programs aren't working so I can't really do much of the typing I'm meant to be doing either. Now I remember how annoying it was when I was doing this all the time!!! I'm here, Blayd is cleaning up for me and I'm trying to concentrate on work but I'm really having a brain fart over that box and the things I want to do to it! I'll give you a ring during the day to see how you're going. Miss you babe!!!!!
Your lo's amaze me Cass... they are simply gorgeous.. You gave me a tear reading what you wrote, as they are such personal and deep, so thank you for sharing...
beautiful layouts Cass
you have done a great job with the new infuse basic grey range
Well done
i love you idea behind the layout reflections of sounds and i love the way you have put it together.
Scrappy hugs
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