The shop has been mega busy with the 30% off sale, lots of on-line orders to pack and lovely ladies (and a few gents) to serve. We are so trying our damnest to make sure all the orders get out as quickly as humanly posible. Personally I hate waiting for stuff myself , and I really think the customers deserve prompt service too.
Ronin had a bout of some tummy bug on Sunday. He is ussally such an energetic thing that to see him lying on the couch like a dead thing just about broke my heart. All is well now though, in fact he was totally over it by the next morning, kids have such resiliance.
Kelly is currently ploughing his way through Harry Potter. He can only read at night after the kids have gone to bed, so it's pretty slow going for him. Much to the frustration of Kristofer, who is busting a gut to talk to him about it.
I did do a couple of LO's today as always, I share
This is the LO I have done for the All About Eve Blog Challenge. The inspiration was 'Escape'....and well, a cup of coffee is about as close as I can get to a holiday these
This is offourse my new born newphew Toby with his Daddy Tim, I just love this photo of them, Tim has such a beautiful look on his face, utter enchantment. He looks so pleased with himself too, almost like 'aren't I clever, look what I did' I am sure my little sister Trisha would think that perhaps she should take some of the credit too though...she cooked him up
Well I think thats about it....I think. I am off to the shop again tommorrow and I believe that a couple of Ladies from the SM forum are coming in...Yeah, I love vistors!!!!!!
Take care
Cass xxxx