I had an ummmm....interesting...ummmm variety of....ummm....ladies come in the shop today, perhaps I should leave it there. But I will say I am always curious why someone comes into a scrapbooking shop looking for things like packing tape!!!...lol
Anyhoo, I did get some LO's done, so I share
I did this LO of Lusi Austin's kidlets, Stassi, Elijah, and beautiful little Ethan. Let me tell you she has got 3 of the most darling little ones. Even though we had only just met them, Lu and I were both getting lots of hugs, and they are just so sweet. I really do hope one day Lily has the opportunity to play with Stassi...I really think they would get on like a house on fire. But honestly, aren't they just BEAUTIFUL!!??!!!
This is offcourse my bossy boots. For a while now her favourtie word in the whole world is 'What?' and I HATE it!!! Try as I might to instill 'Pardon' or 'Excuse me' or 'Yes mummy' all I get in this really rude 'WHAT'....grrrrrrrr
And this is offcourse a tribute to the Donuts I bought back from Sydney...much to the delight of the whole family. 3 Dozen donuts (minus a couple of testing ones...lol) were all eaten in a matter of 36 hours...UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!
Well guys, I do hope you are all well. Ronin has come down with some cough/cold thingy again, I so can't wait for summer and the kids have a couple of months of being well again, seems like this winter every week or so they have had a runny nose or something.
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
p.s...... I hope you are all staying tuned for our BIG announcement. Heres a little teaser...Lusi Austin, and Jilly Gearety-Groves are now on board too....VERY EXCITING!!!!
this sounds like an interesting announcment...cant wait!!
Hi Cass i think i know what it might be lol.Well i was looking through for keeps and Mikayla pointed out Lily she is only 2.6 years but she new that face i laughed and told dh and he wasn't suprized at all.Her layout sat hear so long that Mikayla became quite attached to Lily.lol great layouts talk to you soon take care Kerryxoxox
Hmmmm.... teaser!! Can't wait to find out what it is...
Love the LOs Cass! Looking forward to the grand unveiling, too.
How are you doing at the shop without Lu? Must be weird not having her there... as for packing tape: what?? Why on earth wouldn't you stock that??
Hope Ronin feels better soon hun!
hun i LOVE that layout of my babies!!!!! What a huge compliment!
Love the other layouts of course too!
Ooh the excitement is brewing! :)
Love Lus x
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