The three of us, along with the supremely talented Jill Geraghty-Groves and the lovely Alana Steadman, have started our own challenge blog called Everyday Garbage. It reflects our love of garbage and tat and not-quite-scrapbooking type things that we use on our layouts and the idea is that hopefully we'll inspire you to try some new stuff on your layouts and in return we know you'll all inspire us with your creativity and ability to push the envelope with our challenges.
The details of how it all works are on the blog as well as links to our individual blogs, the start of a photo album with notes about what we've used in our definition of garbage on some of our layouts and a "I play with garbage" blinkie link so you can grab one of your very own and be an Everyday Garbage Girl too!!!
Please bear with us though as we're all pretty new to running a challenge blog, many times a participant but never the organisers so we'll do our best to keep everything running smoothly for those of you who want to come play with us.
If you have time, go have a look-see, have a read and let us know what you think. There are lots of challenge blogs about at the moment and we don't plan on being competition for any of them. This is purely for fun (although we are giving away a RAK each fortnight for the most innovative take on our challenges and the first RAK is some drop dead gorgeous goodies from the brand new Marah Johnson Rock Star collection!!!!!) and we've added a link to other challenge blogs so you can get even more inspiration.
So I have to ask - do you want to play with garbage?!?!?!?
Anyways I also did a couple of LO's today
This first one I ScrapJacked Ngaire Bartlam....for another challenge I am such a junkie
WARNING- those with sensitive eyes lokk away NOW!!!!!!
Pretty Bright HUH????LOL
I did this one of my eldest son Kris...I just love this pic of him and have been waiting a while to scrap it
Well I guess that's about tell you guys want to come play with Garbarge with me???
Keep Smilin'
Cass xxxx
Hi Cass i was right with achallenge blog just didnt know what sort what a great idea i'm going to have a look see and i will try and join in this cool blog of yours.Goodluck to all you girls running it.take care Kerry xoxo
oh wow... i love that pic of you... the LO is very fabulous too! :D
Love what you have been up too.. who knows.. i may just have to come play with garbage with you as well.. haha.
Everyday Garbage sounds great! I'm interested to see what you come up with! :D
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