Alana Steadman is hosting OUTBACK SCRAP
NW QLD Hughenden
August 24th-26th 2007
24th- Meet and Greet, and cheese with inspirational talks from the Scrapbooking Memories masters Sandra Gerdes and Rachelle Minett
25th-Three workshop sessions with 5 workshops to choose from. Then at 8pm a Crop Night with fun and games as well as a scrapbooking memories subscription up for grabs.
26th-two workshop sessions with four workshop choices.
Tutors include Rachelle Minett, Sandra Gerdes, Alana Steadman and A Craft Affair. Follow this link to find out more info......HERE
Anyways, Cyberscraps is still having it's 30% off sale until saturday and although we are selling out of alot of stuff, there is still plenty of yummies on offer....we have to move it to make room for all the yummy new CHA stuff...and I so can't wait for that!!!!
PHEW!!!!! all done, now for me. Well Kris won his footy game yesterday 38-12...go boys, so now there are a certain for the finals. Unfortunatly the soccer didn't go so well, and were defeated...and probably wont make the finals at this stage, oh well, Scott loves the game so much I really don't think he cares either way.
Lily had her first sleep over at Grandma's and Grandad's by herself on Saturady night. From what I can gather she had a great time, and Ronin was really good at home too...a bit like a pea rattling around in a tin can...but he was a good boy!!!
I did a couple of LO's today Of our percious new addition, Toby...he is such good subject matter
Lily ofcourse loves him to death....wants to hug him all the time
Well thats about it...I think
Be back later
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Cass these are so cute and your nephew is just devine.By the way your Lily layout from me to you is on its way home she sure will be
Love these layouts Cass. Especially the one with Lily in it. Too cute!!
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