Anyways Kelly, the kids, Doug, Lu and Lachlann and I headed off to the Ekka yesterday (the Brisbane show, fot those outter towners). A Great time was had by all, We won tickets of MMM the local radio staion for the breakfast and a few free things so that made it so much more afforable. Chanel 9's Today show was there too, and gave the kids Strawberry ice-creams and dagwood dogs so that they could get some footage, Ronin really loved his...I guess you can tell. Queenslands premier Peter Beattie was there for the oppenning too, and I have always taught me kids that weather you aggree with the political standing of a politician or not you should show them respect. Seeing as it was the queensland government that supported the Acadamies that kris is going to next year he should shake the perimers hand and thank him for the opportunity, which offcourse he did. He looks mighty pleased with himself too dosen't To his credit Premier Pete was very kind and hospitable.
I did this LO during the week of those ones that never l;ooked I kept s=chucking stuff at didn't improve, but oh well, I am a full believer of sharing everything...even the stuff up's
Well I am off to the shop peace place...Hopefully I should get the bonnie babies comp done..hopefully
Kelly has a coaches v coaches soccer match on tommorrow night, and I am so looking forward to it. Kel is so competitive that even though it is supposed to be a bit of fun, I just know he is going to bust his bum out there, and lets just say, he isn't as young, or as fit as he used to be...should be funny
Gottta go
Cass xxxx
looked like fun.....the ice cream looked good!! Hope u have a great weekend!! LOL Alana
Looks like great fun at the show! Looks like Premier Pete is chuffed to get his photo taken with Kris.
LOL at your "stuff-up" layout. I don't know what you're talking about! Love the photo too. btw I should have a few stuff-ups to show from this week. I'm just not with it for some reason - my layouts are very blah!
Cass i wish my stuff ups looked like that.And how cool is the photo of the premier and Kris.
Cass i wish my stuff ups looked like that.And how cool is the photo of the premier and Kris.
Hi Cass, it's been awhile. But I've been busy with my big shift and new job. Loving your work as always. Bye for now.
Love the photo's, sounds like you all had a great time.....not sure what you dont like about that lo, but i think it looks fab.
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