As all you mums of multiple children know, life is never boring, and ALWAYS have something to do.
Chuck in a part time job, and more scrapping than I know what do with and you get on stressed out, one frustrated, one frazzled mummy...(that would be me!!!!)
I have had one of
those weeks let me tell you. My house is a mess, there is washing...clean mind you...but piling up everywhere, I really need to do a decent grocery shop, instead of picking up a few nesscities everyday, and if I ever find the bottom of my scrap room I'll be happy!!!
Oh well, thats life isn't it? and to be honest I think i function pretty well under pressure. I like deadlines, I like it when things just HAVE to be done. What i don't like it when I plan to do some of these things, other things requiring immediate attention seem to surface, hence the deadlines keep creeping up on me.
I have to laugh though, cos I really do enjoy always having something to do, makes me feel purposful, useful even.
I have decided to make a little list for myself, and seeing as I check in on my blog everyday...(sometimes I may be too busy to post...but I do check) I thought here would be as good a place to write it all down as any
1-Masters stuff
1- finish Hazel
2- finish that damn mini album
3- start and finish the single LO
4- take the photos and start and finish the double LO (I have an idea, but i really need
THAT photo)
5- do all the paperwok stuff, including the 200 words (that shouldn't be too hard)
2- Colour combo LO for Scrapbooking Creations
3- post the product challenge to SM
4- Do atleast 5 LO's for the design team stuff for Marah Johnson and creative imagination stuff has just come in...really yummy
5- Ngaires challenge...I really really want to do this challenge
6- 6 commisioning LO's for the fete
When I write it all down it actually dosen't seem that much in the end. I have already done my Dares LO for this week and a lady came into the shop last friday and had a part finished wedding album she commissioned me to complete for her...and I have done that already too...15 LO's!!!!!!!! (simple ones though...hope she likes it, because it is soooooooo not my style, but I had to follow the theme that had already been started, so my hands were a bit tied..."Lu, STOP laughing!!!!!, cos I can hear you!!!!!"
well I have typed a fair bit now so I will share a couple of LO's
Theres one of my Daughter Mikayla that I did in the shop the other day, I printed out a Black and white photo and used water colours to colour in the flowers in her hair.
The other is my Dares, using beads is the theme for this fortnight, not a tough call for me...and dosen't my Lu look beautiful!!!!!!

Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Ps...thatnks to all you wonderful ladies that have commented this ya's MUWAHHHHH