OK so these are my two LO's in the current SM, which is apparently out, even though the postie hasn't given me my copy yet, so I guess it is safe to put them up here. The one titled 'Beach Angel' isn't exactly my favourite LO of all time...in fact I am still scratching my head over how it got accepted, but a publication is a publication ...right!!??!!
Anyhoo...big shout outs to My bestie Buddy Lu, who also has a couple of LO's in this issue...and I heard along the grape vine that the always Fabulous Lusi also has a couple in there...WAY TO GO
( Oh yeah and I wasn't slack yesterday...I was going to Blog when I came home from the shop, but my internet was down!!!! total pain in the you know what!!!!)
Hope you all have a happy smilely day
Cass xxxx
Congrats babe! That's excellent - those layouts are just GORGEOUS!!!
I'm not sure if I have any in there but that'll be heaps cool!
Thanks for the shout out!
Lus x
huge congrats..
so cool.. that is the Mag that SM has a pic of on their homepage at the mo!?
I have picked it up and put it down a few times (im saving my $$ from mags to spend on scrap stuff lately)... im now going to have to break the drought and buy it to have a look-see
Congrats to Lusi and Lu for having published works this mag too! Great job!
wow these pages are stunning! I definately can see why they were accepted!!!
I love the beach one and the soccer one is great! My bro plays soccer so i may just even scraplift it!
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