I'll start with the good stuff...the nice stuff...K?
I did a couple of LO's in the shop today
This first one is for the Sussie Dares Blog chjallenge 'Garden' and is of my littest two in grandma's garden. I don't have much of a garden ASTM...damnable water ristrictions, and I found this stick out the back of the shop...it looked interesting so I stapled it down....lol

This is offcourse my DH...he can't sing, he can't play any sort of instrument, in fact he is not mucially talented in ANY way....but I think he would love to live the 'Rock star' lifesyle...lol

And now the not so nice stuff....
It has been 7 years today since I lost my beautiful daughter Mikayla. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her, what she would be doing, what she would look like...all that stuff. I can hardly believe it has been so long, there have been times when I didn't think I could live 7 minutes, let along 7 years without her. But alothough time doesn't make it easier, or less painful, it does make it easier to cope with. Now days I try to consertrate on how lucky I was that I had her in my life at all, that I did have those precious 2 years 2 months and 2 days. I have memories of my daughter, and I am all too aware that some others in a similar situation to mine, haven't any. I can clearly remember her face, and how she used to stomp around, and cross her little chubby arms, and drop her bottom lips. I see little bits of her in her sibblings, the way Ronin screams 'I do it', how Lily tells her brothers what to do, The way Scott know exactly when Mum needs a cuddle, and the intelligent sparkle in Krissy's eyes, all remind me of her. It's a comfort. A lady came into the shop last week and recognised me from the story (it was all over the newspapers at the time) and asked me weather I did pages on Mik. I thought it a bit of a silly question really, because Offourse I do. "Thats good' she said 'Gone, but not forgotton'. Now this lady was trying to be nice, and I wasn't angry or upset with her in any way...she just didn't understand. You see to me, Mikayla is not gone, and she couldn't possibly be ever forgotton. She is with me and her brothers and sisters everyday...I know it.
I am rambling....I just really wanted to say this.
To My darling Mikayla,
'If tears could build a path,
and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven,
and bring you home again'
Mummy loves you darling girl, now, forever and always.I did this LO of her a long while ago, so I thought I would share it

Really sorry guys if I have upset, or totally bummer anyone out. I just figured that this was my little piece of cyber space, and I wanted to put it out there IYKWIM. Not all days are beds of roses...well not for me anyway, so in the spirit of reality, I thought I would share some of the bad, along with the good.
Take care, and thanks for having a read...if you got this far
Hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx