Thursday, January 29, 2009
My number 2 son
I cleaned up my Scrap room today...much overdue and nessasary, and while I was busy sorting and organising I can accross this photo of my Number 2 son Scott. I spent about 10 mins just looking at it, he is such a gorgeous boy, and with possibly the most beautiful soul I have ever know. He is gentle and loving and although at times he can be partically vacant (wonder were he gets that he is the kind of kid that always seems to know when mummy needs a cuddle. Apart from that though he has this cheeky little evil streak in him about a mile wide, and wicked sense of humour and a laugh that could crack up the most serious of situations. I think it's the dimples!! he has always had these deep set dimples...too darn cute let me tell you.
Anyways, I did do a LO of it...just had to I guess
have a great day
Hugs Cass xxxx
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
a wee bit of creativity....LOL
I am scrapping...believe me I really truely am....just nothing I can put up here just yet...IYKWIM...:)
In the mean time I have also been playing with paint and stuff again, so I thought I would share ....
These girls are 2 seperate canvas's and I thought I would give them to my mum. I have 3 younger sisters and we all frequent mum's from time to time, so maybe this gentle reminder should be there....LOL....anyone with sisters will know what it's like, sometimes it just anit as easy as it should be...:)
have a good one
Cass xxxx
In the mean time I have also been playing with paint and stuff again, so I thought I would share ....
These girls are 2 seperate canvas's and I thought I would give them to my mum. I have 3 younger sisters and we all frequent mum's from time to time, so maybe this gentle reminder should be there....LOL....anyone with sisters will know what it's like, sometimes it just anit as easy as it should be...:)
have a good one
Cass xxxx
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
First day of Prep
Miss Lily had her first day of school today, and mummy has decided that the first day of school is all about BIG things. Big shoes, Big dresses, big hat's, big bags.....big everything, except of a tiny little girl to go with it all. Yep I was the mummy who put on a very brave face and then came home and cried in my coffee. Not for all too long though....the house is amazingly quiet right now and I am really looking forward to a year where I can probably plan...and then actually excute some
The older boys have been really looking forward to going back, just goes to show how truely bored they have been the last couple of weeks. Scott starts year 8 and Kris is off to year 11 and his first full year of IB studies...much stress and angst for him, and me too I guess. Ronin has been moved up to the pre-school room at the kindy today too...he's very excited to be in the 'big boy' class, I think mainly because they have more monster trucks in that room!! But all was well and pretty smooth sailing for the Glass household this morning. Surprising really, I can only hope the rest of the year is as calm....I can only live in hope....:)
Had to share a couple of pics though
Hope every mummy and daddy's day was good too!!!
much hugs, be back soon....might go off and create something now...hmmmm so much quiet....not sure if I can!!!!
Cass xxxx
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Birthday to.....ME!!!....LOL
Hi Hello Howdy!!
Well yesterday was my Birthday and I turned a whooping great 34!!, crammed alot in I have. I had just the best day!!. Although early in the morning my darling DH typically forgot, he remembered pretty quicky. Lily had spent the night at a Jilly's house, her very first big girl sleep over, so it was just me and my boys at home. Kelly got me a Chamalia necklace for christmas, so I got a new bead from him, as well as a cordless drill. Now I know that probably doesn't sound very cool, but I have wanted a drill all of my very own for some time now, so it was actually a really thoughtful gift. The beautiful Lu also got me a chamilia bead, the hexhead washer looking one that is actually solid silver...and very me and I love it to bits. My sister Katie got me the the 'sister' bead. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my necklace, it means so much to me, I love the thought that each bead represents a little of who I am....a bit too cool for words really!!!, gives me goose
Jilly put on a BBQ at her house when we went to pick up the princess. and the gorgeous flowers are from her, Oh and she made me cake too....Oh gotta love her!!! We just had a great day and Kelly and Tim get on so well...nice when that happens, and even the kids were preety good too!!
My Darling Mummy got me the DVD's I have a bit of a Henry the 8th obsession going on at the moment. Does anyone eles watch the 'Tutors'???? They play it on showcase on foxtel. So I am not really sure if it is a Henry obsession or a Johnathon Rhys Meyes one....but I am loving it all the same...:):):)
Here's some piccs
THANKS SO MUCH to everyone that has e-mailed me, commented here and wrote on my facebook wall, with the beautiful birthday wishes...feeling a bit special ATM
OH yeah and ......HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!!!!
much hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Well yesterday was my Birthday and I turned a whooping great 34!!, crammed alot in I have. I had just the best day!!. Although early in the morning my darling DH typically forgot, he remembered pretty quicky. Lily had spent the night at a Jilly's house, her very first big girl sleep over, so it was just me and my boys at home. Kelly got me a Chamalia necklace for christmas, so I got a new bead from him, as well as a cordless drill. Now I know that probably doesn't sound very cool, but I have wanted a drill all of my very own for some time now, so it was actually a really thoughtful gift. The beautiful Lu also got me a chamilia bead, the hexhead washer looking one that is actually solid silver...and very me and I love it to bits. My sister Katie got me the the 'sister' bead. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my necklace, it means so much to me, I love the thought that each bead represents a little of who I am....a bit too cool for words really!!!, gives me goose
Jilly put on a BBQ at her house when we went to pick up the princess. and the gorgeous flowers are from her, Oh and she made me cake too....Oh gotta love her!!! We just had a great day and Kelly and Tim get on so well...nice when that happens, and even the kids were preety good too!!
My Darling Mummy got me the DVD's I have a bit of a Henry the 8th obsession going on at the moment. Does anyone eles watch the 'Tutors'???? They play it on showcase on foxtel. So I am not really sure if it is a Henry obsession or a Johnathon Rhys Meyes one....but I am loving it all the same...:):):)
Here's some piccs
THANKS SO MUCH to everyone that has e-mailed me, commented here and wrote on my facebook wall, with the beautiful birthday wishes...feeling a bit special ATM
OH yeah and ......HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!!!!
much hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
havin' a bit of fun....:)
Well I'm back again already....;)
thought I would scrap just a little for me today. This first one didn't photograph well, sorry, still getting the hang of it all, the close up pic shows it's true colouring, if that helps at all...:)

And just cos I wanted to I did a LO for the ONE LITTLE WORD challenge blog. The word this week is 'embrace'. The LO is of Lily and her two bud's...she just loves these boys!!!

Well I guess thats it...still working on my secret little project....wink fun though let me tell ya'
have fun and keep cool...cos dear me is it a hot old day here....phewey
Cass xxxx
thought I would scrap just a little for me today. This first one didn't photograph well, sorry, still getting the hang of it all, the close up pic shows it's true colouring, if that helps at all...:)
And just cos I wanted to I did a LO for the ONE LITTLE WORD challenge blog. The word this week is 'embrace'. The LO is of Lily and her two bud's...she just loves these boys!!!

Well I guess thats it...still working on my secret little project....wink fun though let me tell ya'
have fun and keep cool...cos dear me is it a hot old day here....phewey
Cass xxxx
Happy Birthday Baby!!!
This gorgeous girl turned a big 5 year old yesterday!! proud pose to prove She is off to prep next week too.....big week for both her and me!!
Hard for me to believe that she is 5....harder to believe that I have a 5 year old daughter. I know that probably seems strange seeing as my eldest son is 14. But when Mikayla died a part of my brain gave up on alot of things, I guess it was my way of coping.I had a little moment on monday when I hung her uniform up in the wardrobe. I had been rushing around all day, and finally got home, had my medicimal cup of coffee and thought I best put those uniforms away. I put that little dress on the hanger, and smoothed out the wrinckles. This way one of the little things I had given up on...buying a little girls uniform, and all of a sudden I was a mess all over again. It's horrible how sometimes these things smack you in the face, and somehow comforting too. Love never dies, it all too true, and although you find away to get through your life (sometimes one day at a time)it's these little moments that remind me that that Mikayla was here, she made her mark, and that I love and miss her as much now as I have ever have. For some reason this gives me comfort, a confirmation that I haven't forgotten, and that I never will. I choose to hold these moments as precious.
And now there is Lilyana, another little girl, so very different, but just a special and preicious as her big sister. I have to admit that from time to time still, I look at her and can't seem to get my head around that she, this pretty little girl, is MY brain still talks back to me...'but you lost your daughter', something I still fight with to get by...obviously. I love my Lily to absoulte bits, she is everything in this world a little girl should be. She's in to Barbies and ballet, has all the males in her life completely twisted around her tiny little finger. I try so damn hard to make sure I don't put any extra weight on those little shoulders, she's not a replacment, but a different child altogether. Her milestones, are just that, her milestones.
So Happy Birthday to my beautiful little girl, and here's to a lifetime of them to come!!!!
(so sorry if I bummed anyone out....sometimes I do feel the need to vent, and I figure this is my little place to do so, for my own records...IYKWIM)
much hugs and kisses
Cass xxxx
Kasier Craft January realeases
Ok here we go, I have just been playing with the latest realeases from Kaiser , so I thought I would share...:)
Now this first lot of cards is something thast I very rarely do...if ever, cards and I are just not good friends, I have tried, believe me, but trying hard does not a card maker The thing is I once made a card for a relative (way back many years ago now), and a couple of days later found it in the bin...:( :(:(....I have sort of had trouble with them ever sincer, silly I know. But anyways, I totally take my had off to those that can, and do do cards, and do do beautiful work. So I have again tried my best!!!
Kaiser have realeased some beautiful new flower colours, purple and lime, and red....nice huh?

This is one of my darlin Scotto...he is not too impressed that it's all 'pink' as he would say...testing my boundries I

LOVE this pic of my Ro, this LO is from the January sketch challenge...:)...liking that paper much much.

OK all good back soon
Cass xxxx
Now this first lot of cards is something thast I very rarely do...if ever, cards and I are just not good friends, I have tried, believe me, but trying hard does not a card maker The thing is I once made a card for a relative (way back many years ago now), and a couple of days later found it in the bin...:( :(:(....I have sort of had trouble with them ever sincer, silly I know. But anyways, I totally take my had off to those that can, and do do cards, and do do beautiful work. So I have again tried my best!!!
Kaiser have realeased some beautiful new flower colours, purple and lime, and red....nice huh?
This is one of my darlin Scotto...he is not too impressed that it's all 'pink' as he would say...testing my boundries I
LOVE this pic of my Ro, this LO is from the January sketch challenge...:)...liking that paper much much.
OK all good back soon
Cass xxxx
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hi hello.....:)
School holidays are nearly over....small but excited woo hooo from I love my kids and I do actually love having them home for a while, but they are getting so bored now that I really do think that school needed to have started this
Anyways I have had a little excitment for me this week...can't tell you yet....and NO(in big capital letters) I am NOT, it's scrapping news...but later with that....;)
I think I may have metioned in my last post that I have joined up the blue Bazzar forum to enter the Mixed Media Art Journal here's my first page

And I have done this little LO...just cos I felt like doing something PINK!!!...and really sorry about the photo...bit dodge I know

Anyways I guess that is it for me right to clean my floors and get all my good little house wife things done so I can have a good play and get my hands all nice and mucky this afternoon. I have my new Kaiser pack today more of that later as well I guess
Have a good one...:)
Cass xxxx
School holidays are nearly over....small but excited woo hooo from I love my kids and I do actually love having them home for a while, but they are getting so bored now that I really do think that school needed to have started this
Anyways I have had a little excitment for me this week...can't tell you yet....and NO(in big capital letters) I am NOT, it's scrapping news...but later with that....;)
I think I may have metioned in my last post that I have joined up the blue Bazzar forum to enter the Mixed Media Art Journal here's my first page
And I have done this little LO...just cos I felt like doing something PINK!!!...and really sorry about the photo...bit dodge I know
Anyways I guess that is it for me right to clean my floors and get all my good little house wife things done so I can have a good play and get my hands all nice and mucky this afternoon. I have my new Kaiser pack today more of that later as well I guess
Have a good one...:)
Cass xxxx
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hi and Hello All!!!, how was everyones new year??, mine was really quite, went to bed early boring aren't
Anyways I have finally gotten back on the scrapping wagon, and I am totally determined to keep it up, and blog more often and all that good stuff. I am not calling it a resolution...just a decision, which for some reason works better in my brain.
so lets get on with it, This first LO is for a challenge blog...always a good place to start for me. This is ONE LITTLE WORD and the word to use is 'Start', so for me it is almost as though my life started when this boy was born, I have been his mother my entire adult life, so he was the best subject matter I could think of. check out the fuzz on his chin...aint it just gorgeous!! all of 14 he is, and decided over the scholl hoildays he wasn't going to shave, and now he loves it...not sure myself, maybe because it makes me feel so

And this is a LO I did just for the fun of beautiful baby boy Ronin, and another milestone over the holiday break too, he is no longer wearing a nappy to bed, so never again will I ever have to buy a nappy...not sure who was more upset when Santa took the nappies away, end of an era for me, and a security blanket for him. He has had just a couple of accidents just recently, but all in all he has been so good with it, and I am mighty proud of my littlest man

This boggly eyed girl is my lastest Mixed media attempt. Insidently I have joined up with the Blue Bazzar forum to particpate in thier art journal challenge...should eb lots of fun and maybe I can even improve a bit...or alot!!!!, it's not like I don't have a long way to go....LOL

And I have been such a bad DT for Kaiser sorry has been a bit of a mess lately!!, but I have gotten around to producing some of the december realease's a couple of LO's

And a sneeky peek at the new realeases...looks good huh?

And my Kaiser sketch challenge.....

Well guys I think that about it...oh expect one thing..... Scrapbooking memories have asked me to teach again at this years convention in June....WOOOOO HOOOOOO, hoping to catch up the girls and have a bucket of fun
Well I'm off...but promising to be back again soon...:):):)
Cass xxxx
Anyways I have finally gotten back on the scrapping wagon, and I am totally determined to keep it up, and blog more often and all that good stuff. I am not calling it a resolution...just a decision, which for some reason works better in my brain.
so lets get on with it, This first LO is for a challenge blog...always a good place to start for me. This is ONE LITTLE WORD and the word to use is 'Start', so for me it is almost as though my life started when this boy was born, I have been his mother my entire adult life, so he was the best subject matter I could think of. check out the fuzz on his chin...aint it just gorgeous!! all of 14 he is, and decided over the scholl hoildays he wasn't going to shave, and now he loves it...not sure myself, maybe because it makes me feel so

And this is a LO I did just for the fun of beautiful baby boy Ronin, and another milestone over the holiday break too, he is no longer wearing a nappy to bed, so never again will I ever have to buy a nappy...not sure who was more upset when Santa took the nappies away, end of an era for me, and a security blanket for him. He has had just a couple of accidents just recently, but all in all he has been so good with it, and I am mighty proud of my littlest man
This boggly eyed girl is my lastest Mixed media attempt. Insidently I have joined up with the Blue Bazzar forum to particpate in thier art journal challenge...should eb lots of fun and maybe I can even improve a bit...or alot!!!!, it's not like I don't have a long way to go....LOL
And I have been such a bad DT for Kaiser sorry has been a bit of a mess lately!!, but I have gotten around to producing some of the december realease's a couple of LO's
And a sneeky peek at the new realeases...looks good huh?

And my Kaiser sketch challenge.....
Well guys I think that about it...oh expect one thing..... Scrapbooking memories have asked me to teach again at this years convention in June....WOOOOO HOOOOOO, hoping to catch up the girls and have a bucket of fun
Well I'm off...but promising to be back again soon...:):):)
Cass xxxx
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