You know, most of the time I simple trundle through life, going from one day to the next, same old same old...nothing much happens, then POW!!!!!!! I am so incedible busy the world feels like it is in free fall!!!!!!
I had a bit of a light bulb moment this morning...OMG OMG OMG there is SOOOO much I need to do, so many thimgs to organise, so many places I have to be!!!!!
I thought I would write myself a little list...and perhaps start marking things on the's getting silly, I I simple can't remeber everything.
I'll start at the beginning.
1- Lu has her wedding in justless than 2 falls on a Sunday, that sunday is also the night of Lily's first Ballent concert. My mum is taking her to it, but She has a dress rehersal this monday, and on the saturday before the wedding she has a full dress rehersal, and her breakup /christmas party...full on day!!!!!. I still have go and buy her new stocking and shoes for it all, plus hair stuff (don't forget that Cass...derr)
2- this weekend CYBERSCRAPS is having it's first retreat and a few lovely ladies from down south and such are looking forward to it. because the Saturday night Lu and I will be there, it was decided that it would be a great opportunity for a hens, should be fun...I STILL have stuff to organise for that.
3- Kris and Scott will be recieveing academic awards this year and the presentation night in Wednesday...THATS TOMMORROW!!!!!! completely forgot, and hense forgot to hand back in the forms, so I will have to ring the school today and see what I can do!!!
4- Scott has an excursion to Seaworld on friday...lucky he reminded me that the form had to go back today!!!!!!
5- As some of you will know it has been raining on and off in Brisbane for the last couple of weeks. Most people would be thankful for this, and If Kelly wasn't a painter I probably would be too. But he is a Painter, and currently a Painter with ONLY outside work!!! ARGHHHHHHHH no get?????
(please rain, I know we need the water, but Please please please go away and rain in the catchments or something...even if you leave just a little pocket of sunshine out here in the burbs I would be forever grateful!!!!)
Anyway as a consequence of said rain...there is much financial juggling going on...I so HATE money!!!!
6- Someone said to me in the shop the other day that Christmas is only 5 WEEKS away....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH (I am totally screaming in horror!!!!)...needless to say I am so not organised for that.
Well I am so sure there is more..but as per ussal I can't think of any right now, I am sure it will come to me when I try and go to sleep tonight as all things do...great
Anyway I did have a quiet day in the shop a few LO's got done

Thanks for having a read..and a lookie....if you got this far
Cass xxxx