OK OK OK....how is everyone going getting ready for Christmas??????? I am completely and totally DISORGANISED!!!!!!! and anyone that knows me knows that is unusal. I am ussally one of those who is completely finished by November. Not this year. I am running around like a mad thing at the moment. The kids all seem to have 100 different places they need to me. I need to get christmas presents bought...and a few made. I don't even know whats happening on the day yet...ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH.
hope you all are doing better than me!!!!!
anyways heres a couple of LO I did at the crop on friday night....(can my regular visters believe that I haven't done one single LO this week!!!! SHOCK HORROR!!!!)

well guys I am off to the shop....no LO's to be done today...just more christmas pressies!!!
Chat later
Hugs and Kisses
Cass xxxx
Gorgeous Cass, love the one of Lusi!
I am complely unorganised too, cant really work out why LOL
Hey beautiful!!!
Love that layout of me -wow - what an honour! thanks mate and for your journaling too - i'm blessed to know YOU my friend :)
And yep, Kris is wise beyond his years - couldn't agree more - another great layout!
Sending love,
lus x
Cass i cant believe that you have not still been a machine,great layouts Kris has growen up so much this year and really is starting to look like a man.Have a great chrissie and we will talk soon .tkae care Love Kerry
Love the new pages sweetie! Very beautiful.
As for Christmas...well... um... just crown us Queens of Disorganisation.
Wowww Cass !! those are beauuuuudiful LOs there !! and love that foto of Lusi !!
Stunning work ! :)
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