I thought I could post up my entries now that the issue is out...here they are
This is my Single LO...it's on my #2DS Scott....I was really happy with it to be honest
This is the infamous 'Hazel'...she was lucky enough to recieve an Honorable mention...GO HAZEL.....LOL, anyways she is supposed to be my storage solution...she is currently sitting in the corner of my bedroom, doing what Hazel does best...sitting around looking pretty...I might bring her into the shop for a little while...if you want to see her IRL
This is My double...not good pictures I am afraid, but I think you get the general idea. I also got a HM for this. I did it on my elest son Kris, simply because when I first read the run down in the mag the double was to be on the most significant even in your life...and for me that was definatley becoming a mum, and all I could think was 'well Kris...it's has to be you'
And this is my 'mini album'....I guess I stretched the rules a little here. It's an exploding box. '25 funky facts about me' is what I called it. Each one of those tags flip out and have a photo on one side and a 'fact' on the other. My Daddy helped me with the construction of it...it was quite a feet of engineering....lol
Well that's them...I was happy with it all in the end, and again CONGRATS to the winners and the other HM's...like me, I guess theres always next year
Big hugs
Cass xxxx
Cass, those OTP items are unbelievable!!!! I love that expolding box - brilliant!! And Haze!! I bet she id gorgeous IRL!!!
A huge Congratulations for the HM. I cant wait to get to the nesagents now!!!
congrats Cass never a doubt that you would have gotsomething for your efforts you are truly talented girl.conratulations again and hugs to you Mwah take care Kerry
Cass your work was fantastic. I really loved them all!
You are a Master to me.
Cass your work was fantastic. I really loved them all!
You are a Master to me.
Congrats on the HMs Cass, beuatiful beautiful work, so much effort!!! So glad to see that Hazel found her way home too!! Did she take the scenic route??
OH so much BEAUTIFUL eye candy...Love it all Cass, you are extremely talented. Hazel is so YOU!! LOL!! Alana xx
Wow oh wow Cass, I'm so glad you've shared your entry, its mind boggling how they can come up with the winners in the end with entries like this. And I must say it takes a bit on the nerves to enter each yearm this is a comp with a major workload imo! Love it girl! your entry rocks!
Thanks for sharong your enty. WOW!!! Wonderful stuff there.
And yes I am pretty sure it was one of your hearts stuck to the back of my layout which means it was probably my single that got a HM. Do you want it back now???!!!
Your entries all look great cass - what a tough decisions for the SM team.
woww !! and so YOU should be proud of these !! they are absolutely stunning work of art !! looooove then all !!
Honey! Beautiful work and you know I think you and Lu both had amazing entries! Love your layouts in your most recent post too honey! Love and blessings to you and your gorgeous family!
Lus x
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