let me start by saying I have never been mean or miss treated an anamil EVER...(except for perhaps getting up my cat for dropping field mice at my back door...I have a terrible fear of rodents)
I will start at the beginning.
Lu came over today for a bit of RS (recreational Scrapping) and about 11.30 we were into in it in my scrap room. The kids were playing quite happily and had just gone outside. Caeligh (lu's DD) had popped up at my scraproom window and I was leaning over my desk and chatting to her, Lu was sitting next to me. Next thing you know I feel something sharp (anf flappy) in the back of me head!!!! of course I screamed and dropped to the ground to the sound of Lu yelling 'Bird Bird' and we both ran outside. My Brother in law happens to be down on holiday so I yelled at him that there was a bird in the house as Lu and I exited the back (open ) door. 'What Bird???' Trevor asked. And would you believe we couldn't find it anywhere, and at this stage I hadn't even seen the damnedable thing as I had my eyes closed as soon as it attacked.
After a few minutes a VERY large magpie was spotted on top of my kitchen cupboards...see pic below. Now let me just say the thing wouldn't leave it flapped around and flew about for ages
Insult number 2.............
Now not only was I attaced by a Magpie IN MY OWN HOME!!!! the thing then processed to go back into my scrapping room and crap on my completed LO...ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH right in the photo. Here's a lesson for you all, bird poop is acidic and eats into photos. The LO is the green one below titled 'Refuge' and the 'r' an pearls were added later to cover the bird poop mark.
Adventually offcourse Trevor managed to get the thing out of my house, but really I would love to know what on earth I could possibly have done to upset mother nature...THAT MUCH that a bird flys into my house attacks me and then poops on my LO...really!!!!!!
Thanks for looking and reading....if anyone eles has any Bird related insidents I would LOVE to know
Big hugs
Cass xxxx
Cass!! Thats way too funny!! But i gotta say, those pearls on the photo really does it justice!! I bet mother nature was telling you something... expect big thing for that layout!!!!
whoooo, na na na na.... think twilight zone.....
That is to funny, you two crack me up! I so would have liked to see it...PS love the LO. Alana xx
I would have been out of the door faster than you two, I had a magpie in my house once and had to wait OUTSIDE all day waiting for my DH to come home from work to get it out.
I would have been out of the door faster than you two, I had a magpie in my house once and had to wait OUTSIDE all day waiting for my DH to come home from work to get it out.
LOL, I am laughing ONLY cause it happened to me, only it didnt attack me, didnt shat on my LO and wasnt a maggie, it was an indian minor, and scared the crap out of me, flew into my babes bedroom, shat on the wall and on the blinds, and after about 5 minutes of me screaming everytime it moved (scaring me) it finally left after a very persuasive (sp?) 'talk' with a broom!! my lesson learnt was to ALWAYS close a door!!
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