Well as some of you may already know. I will no longer be working at CyberScraps. Not in the shop itself nor in the DT capacity. It has been a VERY hard decision for me, but in the end one I felt I had to make. I have truely enjoyed my time at CyberScraps and meeting all the FANTASTIC people that I had the opportunity to come across while there. Recent heath issues have been a big contributing factor, but also emotionally I was finding that my heart was no longer in it as much as it should have been, so the time had come for a change. Kelly is working for himself too, so my home work load had increased dramatically, and as may of you working mums will know all too well, there is only so much of me to go around....lol.
What I really hoping too is that my poor beaten to a pulp Mojo will return too. It is certainly not that I have lost any love for scrapping, just that I feel I really do need to get back to the roots of it all and scrap more for me...and just me. To throw paper and product around willy nilly, to expore and create and have FUN with it more.
And thats about it...pretty simple really, no major dramas, no real issues, no disputes or disagreements....just Cass simplifing her life a little....cool huh?
Anyways on a bit of a real personal note. Last Friday Kristofer, my 14 year old had a day off school because of the Gold Coast show holiday. Just in case you don't know, my Kris is attending the Queensland acadamies for Health Sciences throught Griffith Uni down the Gold Coast. 1.5 hours and 2 trains and a bus every morning and the same to get home everyday. He really is an amazingly dedicated young man, and I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am.
Well seeing as he had the day off and the little ones were at Kindy and Scott still at school, I took this rare opportunity to spend some time with my first born and we went to the Piacasso collection exhibit in at ate art gallery. Now I do understand that most 14 year old boys would probably rather have thier teeth pulled than go to an Art exhibit....but I did tell you my boy is a little different didn't I??....LOL Lu and I often joke that when he grows up, and becomes that doctor, we will visit his house and won't be able to sit on the furniture...cos it won't be for sitting...IYKWIM.....LOL
We had a GREAT time, we spent a few hours looking at the masterpeices and such, and as it turns out Kris has a liking for Renior...nice thing to discover, and then we had a lovely lunch at the state libarary cafe, before I spent a little while following Kris around the Library as he drooled over the thousands of books. The best part though, as we were leaving the Libaray to come home, my boy (who stands 6 foot 1) put his arm around my shoulders and said 'Thanks Mum, I'll remember this day always'. It was all I do not to burst in to a blubbering mess right there. To know my Kris is to know that the world is far to big for him to stay here in little old Brisbane. I think I have always known one day he will be gone, very far from me. I must remember to do these sorts of things with him...and all my kids a bit more often, simply because I think I have finally come to realise that one day all too soon they will fly away and I want these memeorys too...selfish mummy.
Anyways here's a LO I did of my Kristofer. I took this photo on friday morning just before we left for the Art gallery

Well that was a bit of big post for me wasn't it....lol
Hey if anyone has any suggestions for challenge blogs, or sites I would really love to know too....didn't I say, more time to play...:):):)
thanks for having a lookie and read, if you got this far
Cass xxxx