I have been a V Bad Blogger, but in my defense I have been busy, and I have had 2 sick kids, and a sick Hubby...and thats completely dreadful!!!!!
Everyday Garbage has it's 3rd challenge up...'IN YOUR HANDBAG' Very cool, let me tell you. Bridget is our first guest Garbage girl...so happy to have her on board and the other girls have come up with some AMAZING stuff...go check it out!!!!!
These are what I have come up with
I used a reciept from the ever growing cost of groceries, a drinking straw (I have no idea how that got in there, but I do tend to find odd things in my handbag), a sheet of notepad paper, I covered some of the chipboard in lipstick, don't worry it's NOT the orange!!!LOL, and I even used the pen from my bag, as a scrapper it does happen to be a zig writer...but it did come from my bag.
I refrained from using the half a dozen or so spare brads, the packet of prima flowers and the few pieces of chipboard that seem to have taken up residence in my handbag also

I also have been in the processes of covering Noodle boxes for the last week...phew, they don't seem like alot of work, but believe me they have given me a few headaches. One of them in on Everyday garbage, for this challenge too, I used a broken necklace to cove the handle. My youngest son seems to enjoy nearly choking me by grabbing onto my beads and pulling as hard as he can...good thing I never spend alot on jewelery...I am a junk girl from way back

And just to catch up, these are some of the LO's I have done in the last week too

Well ladies that's it me thinks.
I have a busy few weeks ahead of me, with Lu and Doug getting married and all. Lu and I have started doing the invits today...god bless fancy pants stamps!!!
Take care, and keep smilin'
Cass xxxx