Monday, February 16, 2009

A bit more Tarisota...and my ...ummm.....Valintines day

Well then, Hi, Hello, How are Ya????

How was everyones weekend???. Mine started on friday when Kelly's brother and children arrived from Bundaberg to stay and then Kelly and his bro went to the cricket, so I had 7 kids including 4 teenagers at home with just little old me for the night...phew I don't know how these ladies with so many kids do it, I thought I was slightly mad having the 4...but 7!!! it's a wonder these women can get out of bed in the morning.
Now Valintines day...pretty uch a non event in my house...Kel NEVER remembers, so generally I just try and make him feel bad by buying him a box of chocolates while I am grocery shopping...which we both procede to eat after the kids go to I said HUGE event
Anyways all was good, and on the Saturday afternoon, kelly took his brother and a few of the kids shopping, so I stayed home with the others. About 5pm (this is where my Valentines day gets interesting) My little Ronin climbed up onto his big brother bunk bed, reached over at least a foot to talk to his sister below and then put his head into the ceiling fan!!!!
there was blood everywhere, I swear it was gushing out all over me . I paniced and Ronin was going hystrical. I called the Ambo's who were AMAZING, they gave him a shot of Morphine and took him off to hospital. We were there til nearly midnight in the end, as my poor baby boy had actually cut his head so deep that you could see a hole about the same size as a 5c peice of his skull. LOTS of stitches, which isn't easy on a 3yld. He was really lucky though, no cracks, and only a mild concushion (please forgive my spelling). Happy Valentines day mummy!! So offourse I have spent the last couple of days watching him like a hawk...too many medical shows for me, as I watch for signs of internal clotting or hairline fractures and something terrible, but really the boy is 100% fine, apart from the massive bandage on his head, he hasn't even complained about a headache...he's a tough little thing

So I do hope everyone eles day was nice an romantic and didn't involve blood and trips to the hospital!!!

Just to lighten things up a bit ....Here's a couple of things I did for Tarisota this month, Check out my naffy pen, isn't she cute, all fabric flowers, not really practical I guess...but she looks cool...:):):)

Okey Dokey then, I guess I am off...Lots to do today!!! lets all hope that I don't just crawl up onto the couch and go to sleep....mmmmmmm sleep


Cass xxxx


Petrina McDonald said...

oh dear. They say red is the colour of love but I don't think they meant red blood on valentine's day LOL! Glad to hear he is ok though - ouch!

Maxine said...

I so understand the head in the fan. My DD was just 8 months old when she was lifted into a fan. She too was very luck however ended up with a depressed skull and had to be flown away for surgery. On the upside she too did walk away with no side effects and no further damage. You boy is very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Heyyy CAss !!
OH MY GOSHHHHH !! i can imagine the panick there !! poor little guy, hope he's feeling better my now :)

oh..and i looove those pics :)