Don't worry about me though, I am OK, just have had a little trouble getting my head out of my butt over all this, but I am OK. The thing that is really warming my heart is the outpouring of support for those that have been touched by all that distruction. I whole heartedly support all these efforts, and part of me...a really big part actually wishes that I could just jump on a plane and go and be some physical help to these people. Offcourse I can't, but the beautiful Sarah Gladman has set this one up.......

I know that the equally gorgeous Jilly has offer to post them down down to her in mass if that helps at all.
There is offcourse also this....To contribute to the Vic Bush fires fund, people can call Red Cross on 1800 811 700.
The amazing Ngaire also has an e-bay aution...check it out
Well on a brighter note, and a little more scrapping related here is a couple of LO's I did for my guest spot on the Tarisota DT....hope you like, cos I simply loved doing it!!!

Well that's it, finally I have gotten back to the computer and posted, been finding it all a be tough of late, as we all do from time to time I guess. My poor sore and bruised heart goes out to all those that have been affected by recent events. To those in pain, to those that have lost, I wont say that everything will be OK, but I will say that there is always tommorrow and with that come a small, sometimes almost impossible thing to see.....hope
god bless, and hugs
Cass xxxx
1 comment:
Love your new LOs, but moreso came to check you were okay, with all the fire talk. xoxoxo
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