it's actually much better scanned terribly. I know alot of you ladies photograph your LO's, and this seems to get alot more detail and dimention. I have given it a go, but as you can see by my piss poor attempts with this weeks garbage challenges , I am not very good at it. If any of you can give me some tips I would really really appresiate it!!!!!!?????!!!!! how do you get it not to flash? do you put them on the floor and stand over them???....ANY help would be FANTASTIC!!!!!
Have a great saturday
Cass xxxx
Hi CAss i stand over mine one foot each side.I put the layout on the ground and stay square to it.Dont use your flash and take it early in the morning away from the direct sunlight but with plenty of natuaral light.I hope that helps you take care Kerry xo
Hi Cass, luv ur blog. To photo my LOs I put them in direct sunlight and turn the flash off. I stand directly over them (try to keep shadow out of pic) I line them up in the top LH corner to try and keep them square then I straighten/crop them in PS7 I also use the auto adjust function and hue/saturation, colour correct etc functions in Photoshop to get rid of any haziness that seems to happen. if you don't have PS I think other ladies also use picasa or Gimp programmes the same way and I believe they are free to Download. hope this helps. to see my stuff I am Vix in the SM gallery. Cheers V
Jeez Cass.....what the heck did you use to sedate that child?!?!?
(gorgeous layout BTW!)
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