I just thought I would share a few pic from the weekend that was. And what a weekend it was!!!!! phew, I had an absolute BLAST, too much fun, and my feet know it!!. It was the first big convention that I have taught at and I was so very nervous, but I was given so much fanstatic support form the SM ladies and from all the lovely ladies that sat in on my talks and came to my classes I need not have worried. Thank-you to all that came along and making it so much fun for me!!
One of my favourite things about these conventions is the people that you get to met and those you can catch up with. We all ahve such busy lives it sometimes seems that we all just hang out for these things to say 'hi' to each other....lol
I met so many wonderful people on the weekend, the lovely Fiona from Kaiser in particular, such a joy. Mel Lu, Fi and I had dinner on Friday night and I swear at times I think I nearly laughed til I cried!!!
I have really eaten well this weekend, Lu and I crashed the amazing Chris Miller's dinner with all her crew....I had something that sizzled, not really sure what it was now, but it was YUM!!!
And then on the Sunday night Lu, Mel and I had dinner with the beautiful SM girls and darling Leanne Stamatellos, such a joy she is...more laughter, and a little too much wine for Cass I think...I get a little silly on wine, probably hard to believe huh....lol
The 'work' (it's hard to call it work) was fun and the people fantastic, I had such an amazing experience, really looking forward to doing it all again
so heres a few pic that I have.......
Here we are the Kaiser Craft crew....lol Rachelle Minette, Me, Melissa Kennedy, Jilly GG and ofcourse the lovely Lu....quite a gang we have huh???
Catching up at the Scrapping Outback stand, Sandra Gerdes, Petrina McDonald, Alana Steadman, Lu and me.....check out the fantastic windmill!!!
This is our Saturday night dinner out with some fantastically talented ladies, Chris Miller, Debbie Kingston, and Michelle Grant, just to name a few!!!
Lu and Mel....love these girls!!!!
This is me with the Scrapbooking memories chicks, Cassie, Kristy and Jo, and offcourse Melissa Kennedy
We I guess it's back to reality now....and I promise I will update my blog just a little more regularly....fingers crossed.
I have one pig of a house to clean up now, men left on there own, in my house anyway, rarely see what is lying under thier feet!!!
Have a great day everyone....
Cass xxxx
Looks like you had a great time Cass and that you are very busy.take care Kerryxx
Was super meeting you Cass!! Love all these photos and I'm so glad that your classes went well!
sounds like you had an absolute blast Cass.
you even managed to get half piccies of two of my LO's one is beside Lu the other above her (Scrapping Outback). Thanks for that LOL.
Glad you guys had such a great time!
Burning you a disk to share with Lu (we're running low) of the pics of you guys at the craft show, and there are a few of them on my blog.
Take care!
Heyyy beautiful Cass !!
wowwww looks like you had soooo much fun there !!
So good to see that you girls ar doing sooo well !!!
next time....must teach in Sydney so that i can come okay !! :)
hugs :)
hi gorgeous friend :)
love the pics and so glad you had a great time mate.
sending my love,
lus x
hey cass
it was so good meeting you and lu at the convention..i put a pic on my blog.
Alice and I had a blast
we are still in the sunshine state leave on wednesday :( (sad face)
Kayla Renee. xx
Hi Cass - it was lovely to meet you..la la la...think of something fun and witty to say P....Yep, it was lovely to meet you! See you again next year if not before. Love, P
Hi Cass!
Was so awesome to meet up with you at the convention!
If I go next year and you;re teaching then I am sooooo gonna go to one of your classes!
I have a photo up on my blog if you wanna check it out!
Keep up the great scrapping
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