Well it has taken me all week, but my new improved scraproom is done...and I am feeling totally special and LUCKY!!!! I can't remeber the last time I had my OWN room, to with what I please, but here she is in all her FANTASTIC glory!!. Every little bit and bob has it's home and I know where it all is. Now the challenge will be keeping her this neat and tidy.
There are a few little things that I would like just to dress it up a little bit more, but apart from that to me this is perfect, all I need right at my finger tips. I am soooo in love with my bench I can't tell you how much!!!!

So anyone what to come play over at my house??????, as I think you can see I have probably got evnough stuff for abot 100 000 LO's....LOL just kidding, but I was totally amazed at just how much stuff I have gathered
Well School holidays are nearly over, and Kris has plenty of study to do before then so I had best go put my size 9 foot up his bum...LOL
Have a great day
Cass xxxx