Well here's the story morning glory....:)
The week before Christmas last year the rental house that we had lived in for 4 years was put on the market...bummer huh?, anyways we were desparatley hoping an investor would buy it, but to no avail and in mid march we were given our marching orders so to speak.
Now let me tell you finding and then renting a property is HARD....really really really HARD. I can not even begin to explain the trama, and we have 4 kids and more stuff than I ever thought humanly posible. I guess it was made a little more difficult by the fact we didn't actually want to move. We were total set up in our old house and finding anything comparable within our tight budjet was a nightmare. Yet finally we have. It is an older home, built in about 1988 and hasn't had any renovation, so it's a bit like stepping back into my teenage years, with the lovely exposed brickwork and the racked ceiling....not to mention the delightful grey plastic taps, but it has 5 bedroom and enough space for us all, and a HUGE bonus for the kids is the beauiful big inground pool...happy joy.
The packing, the moving, the cleaning, and the setting up of this new place has totally occupied my life for the last 3 months, and then there is the school holidays .....man !!! well I guess now I can at long last exhale. My scrap room (I have renamed it Lazarus) is all ready to rock and roll, and I am 90% of the way having things where I want them. Kelly has already re-painted 2 of the bedrooms (peach is just not our colour) and over time and many weekends he will get them all done, and the rest of the house too.
I am so hoping that as the kids go back to school this week I will get back into the swing of my life, I miss my paper and glue, I miss the escape to create...lets just hope after this little hiatus I still can...:):):)
massive hugs and I promise I will be back real soon....maybe even with a few pics of the new place...minus the smokey plastic taps....lol
Cass xxxx