well big for me anyways..........
So a fair bit has been going on in my little world I guess, nothing huge, but I do seem to be hugely busy for one reason or another, and as a consequence I have been a very bad blogger...lol. So this post is a bit of a catch up on what I have been up to
Well I have done a couple of challenge blogs.....
Here my
ONE LITTLE WORD. You had to use the word 'keep', and this LO started out as a good idea...I think it kinda went pear shaped a little...but oh well....at least Kelly likes it....:):):)

After winning last months challenge (woohoo for me...LOL) I felt all inspired to give this months
WHITE WITH ONE challenge a go. This moth it is orange and white (offcouse) and incorparating stamping as well....I kinda like the results of this one....even if Kris looks like he has a BIG nose...LOL

Quite excitingly for me I have been asked to be a guest teacher here in Brissy for STAMPING AND SCRAPBOOKING MADNESS at Coorparoo, so here's the class that I will be teaching.....class times and details soon!!!

And here's a few 'Christmas' LO's I have done for Scrapware

Now as for the family....all is well. We are currently getting ready for the end of year dance perfomance with Lily, and you can only imagine how exciting that is with all the costumes and sequiens. Kristofer had his footy trophy day last weekend and actually walked away with one for most improved...so proud. Scotto is plotting along as ussal, looking forward to the end of year too and his band perfomances...who would have thought he could actually play that damnable Baritone...lol, he is getting over a very bad case of midgie bites from the recent camping trip too. Anyone with red hair will understand how much flying, biting things love the fair skin tones. And my poor little Ronin has a bit of the flu, nothing dramatic, but he aint feeling the best...and now mummy is pretty tired too...gotta love broken sleep. Kelly has been a busy boy, off to the soccer last night, I am pretty sure he had a ball, and he's working lots of long hours too....I tend to be doing the 'single parent thing' a fair bit lately...hate that, I miss him. My sisters and I have started a mixed Netball team for Sunday afternoons...and my beautiful Lu is playing with us...cool fun, but sore muscles....:)
Hope all is well on your little end of the universe
Cass xxxx