Hello Hello Hello...no I haven't fallen of the face of the earth....LOL
Just wanted to let all you guys out there in Cyberspace know about the
HUGE Sale we are having at
14 to 19 July - 30% off everything except the already reduced items and Bazzill
Massive Huh???....lol
we have the new Basic Grey Euphoria in too...lots of beautifl soft pinks purples, blues and greens...I mean who doesn't LOVE Basic Grey. I couldn't wait to have a play, so here's what I have come up with

One of the things that has been keeping me a little busy is Kaiser Craft asked me to do quite a few LO's for display at CHA...here's just a couple

I LOVE working with Kaiser, the people are amazing and the Products are Fab. Honestly, who would agree that they have come such a long way in such a short time. New things are coming out all the time and I am so looking forward to playing with the new stuff....boy papers, and it's not like I don't have a few of those....lol
Talking of boy's my Number 1 son turned 14 on Tuesday, and how old did that make me feel????!!!!!!, I know they have to get older, but does he have to get soooo big!!! he's massive really, standing about 6ft 1" already,with a size 15 foot, he really is far more man than boy these days, but honestly I still look at him and all I see is that tiny baby I brought home from the hospital. Kris was my smallest aby at just 6 pound 11, to me he was the tinest most perfect thing I have ever seen. To me he still so beautiful, both inside and out and my heart just burst with pride when I think of him.
Notice that there are only 4 candles on his cake.....OK so maybe I am living in just a wee bit of denial....lol
I love this pic of him and his littlest brother too, my bookends I call them. The older Ronin gets the more he looks like Kris, he'll be a very lucky boy if he grows up to be like him too....I so love my boys!!!!!....all 3 of the dirty, messy, grumpy little buggers....lol

And for my final excitment (well MASSIVE excitment for me anyways) we trading in the petrol guzzling tank for this cute little corrolla....isn't she gorgeous!!!. A week ago after filling the land crusier up and costing us $170 and knowing full weel that fuel wouldn't last a week, Kelly and I had enough and drove staright to the Toyota dealership and got rid of it...lol, Not a bad impulsive purchase for a Saturday afternoon...lol, we had the Corrolla on the follow Tuesday. She is so nice to drive and has already saved us money,.....she smells good too....lol

Anyways, I guess I have chewed all your ears off for long enough....people will start thinking this is Lu's Blog....lol....love ya babe
Have a Great and amazing day
Cass xxxx