as the song goes...'Ive been everywhere man'!!!!
I have had an incredibly busy few weeks, met some asbolutly AMAZING people and had some real fun!!!Lu and I were lucky enough to be asked to man the Kaisercraft 'shed' at the stitches and craft show here in brissy. Met the fantastic Melissa Kennedy and Claire Stewart (formaly of SM and now working for Living Creativly). Was sooo much fun, even if were so incredibly busy and by the end of the 5 days I could barely feel my The car rides in a out of the covention center were a real highlight, as Lu and I car pooled with the ever wondeful Jilly GG, I don't think I have laughed so much while driving ever!!! (BTW Jill, thanks for letting me drive your it!!!)
Claire is such a beautiful girl, real pleasure working with her, and she made giving those demos super easy. Here's a pic of Lu, Melissa, Me and Claire inside the Kaisercraft shed (thanks again for this one Claire)

I have also been busy preparing for the up coming Papercrafts convention looking forward to that should be fun
And ofcorse 'OUTBACK SCRAP' is coming up in August too, so I am getting classes ready for that.
I did manage to get back to my supplies long enough to do a few LO's beautiful bench has been calling, so I thought I would share a few of those

Now on a personal note, my elest son decided to give me an early mothers day pressie...NOT!!!
He had an early footy game on Saturday (he plays rugby league, by early I mean 8.30am. Not 15 mins into the game he for some reason thought it would be a good idea to stop the oppositions forearm with his FACE!!!!, he ended up putting his bottom teeth clean through his lip. He was tackling some guy one minute and the next there was so much blood I though someone must have ripped his nose off!!!. It was gushing out everywhere, so off to the hospital, and they transfered him up the the Mater childrens for plastic surgery to re-construct his bottom lip, which let me tell you looked alot like mince meat. I have to say though throughout it all he never cried, whined, or complained, he is only 13 and all the doctors and nurses were amazed as they said most grown men would have thrown up or passed out because of it all. The operating theaters were all booked up til 9.30pm that night so at about 2.30pm they came to us and asked him weather he would be willing to have a go at doing it under a local anathetic. Which believe it or not he did. I held his hand throughout, and it took over an hour and 30 stitches to put all the muscles back together and to recreat a bottom lip line. I will say though the doctors did an AMAZING job, although his lip is still very swollen it hardly lloks like the injury that indead it is, just looks like a bit of a split lip. So all in all he (and me) came through it all very weel, and he is still pretty to boot!!!
Now all you ladies out there with only daughters can breathe a small sigh of thanks!!
well thats it from me for now, hope everyone has had a great couple of weeks and I will really try to update a little more often
Cass xxxx