Anyone still out there????....LOL
I know it's been me, I have been so run off my feet and my head not in a 'blogging' space I can't even begin to tell you. But I am back again, and I thought before I start anything eles, I should do a bit of a recap on the last few weeks...basically tro update myself too!!!
Lets start with my two middle children have started at new schools. For a variety of reason, mostly to make everyones lives a little less chaotic. Lily is now going to the chool down the road, and Ronin will start prep there next year.
Not the greatest 'First day at a new school' photo, but at least I got one, she was a little nevous this morning.

And dear Scott has started at a strictly high school, up till now he has been at a P-12, so it's all a bit frightening for him too. But he is such a great kid and yesterday(being his first day) was FANTASTIC, and he says he is fitting in nicely. One of the girls at lunchtime sat down next to him and gave him the run down of, who's with who, and what 'Days of our Lives' type dramas are currently going on in year 8, so I can only assume he made a fairly good impression...:)

Little Lily has also had her Ballet exam. And she did it all by herself!! something that would have made me want to fact the fact that she was doing it was enough to make me want to vomit!!, but she is such a confident little thing it was no problem at all for her, and all the examiner wanted to tell us was that she was 'exceptional'....gotta love that!!!

Now on the home front, and let this be a warning to all of you, renovating your bathrooms is HORRID!!!!!, actually beyond horrid and going into a total NIGHTMARE!!!. It's messy, dusty, time consumining, frustrating, and always costs FAR more than anticipated!!, I can only begin to tell you how much this little room has taken over my life, and needless to say my poor vacume cleaner will never be the same again...might need retiring I think, it deserves it!!!
Here's the before..........

And the after...better huh????

And Ha Ha you thought I would Never Ever get to anything creative!!!!....well lets just say there hasn't been too much activity in the scrap room. But I did do this. A bit different for me, but I like the softer colours

And lastly but certianly not least, my sister Trisha welcomed her 3rd baby, and first daughter, Madison Riley on the 10th of last month, weighing just on 6 pounds she is a beatuifl little thing and soon to appear on many LO's VERY soon...:)

PHEW...well I think thats it, although I am sure it's not. Is it just me or does life keep getting busier?????!!!!, sometimes I just want to stop the bus and get off for a litlle while, but I guess the best I can do for now is the sweet 6 hours inbetween morning drop offs and afternoon pick ups...after I have cleaned up the demolishion that happens in the hours in the other times!!!!
Hugs (a still alive and hanging in there)
Cass xxxx