I have been scrapping...unfortunatly not much that I can actually put up here...but I will be endevouring to do some stuff just for me now that all my chrissy shopping is done, and I am all caught up on the world....lol
So what I have I been up to??...hmmmmm, well apart from the ussal end of school events, kindy break-ups, christmas parties, ballet recitals...etc etc etc, I did go to the Heidi Swapp classes on the weekend, and then out to dinner with some FAB ladies on the Tarisota DT....laughed til my sides hurt...too much fun
Oh and now with much thanks to the amazing Jilly GG I just can't leave the mixed media stuff alone!!!...like I need something eles in my life calling to me....lol, but anyways, I know that it anit as good as the mistress of the srt herself, but I have been having heaps of fun, just playing with paint, ink and stuff....much stuff, getting my hands all nice and grubby. I never in a millon years thought that I would ever even atempt to draw or paint the face of anyone...not really ever been able to get any sort of realistic...even remotely realistic interpretation of something that could resemble a human being....but in a huge show of courage on my behalf I have given it a go...and I even have been brave enough to put them up here for anyone to see.....all I ask is be kind, I am kinda fragile....LOL
here's my girls..........
Also theFantastic ladies at Stamping and Scrapbook Madness have asked me to come back and teach again in the new year...so here's the two classes I will be doing
Well I am not sure if anyone bothers to check on my little ol' blog anymore, but if by chance you have popped on in...THANKS so much.....and I hope you all have a beautiful peaceful Chrissy and the new Year brings all your dreams and hopes into view
Keep smilin'
Cass xxxx